sibling arguments (wm)

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Hello reader! This first chapter is based of a request I made on lizolsenfan book, so go check out there story as it's amazing. I've had this in my drafts for a while and with MOM coming out I thought this would be the right time to post it. Also I have an oc that will be used for all of these one shots, even tho her age will vary. Her name is Riley and she has brown hair

Riley is 15


"Watcha doingggg?" I collapse onto the couch next to my brothers, who were sharing a bag of chips.

"Eating." Tommy says bluntly, taking another chip out of the bag.

"What is this shit?" I ask, looking at the shitty cartoon on the tv.

"It's power rangers!" Billy protests, staring at the tv excitedly.

"Lameeee." I sigh, leaning over Tommy to try and grab a chip, but he slaps my hand away.

"Ow! What the fuck, Tommy?!" I glare at the 10 year old.

"Language!" Both Mom and Dad's voices call from the kitchen.

"They're ours. Go get your own." He scowls at me, returning his eyes to the tv.

"Stop being annoying, and give me a chip." I try to lean over him again, but he grabs my hair and yanks it, making me shriek in pain.

"You little bitch!" I grab Tommy off the couch, pulling us both roughly to the floor and trying to yank his hair.

Tommy let's out a groan, yanking harder at my hair as I try to punch him.

"Tommy, Riley! Stop it!" I hear Billy's voice say from the couch, but we both ignore him.

Tommy rolls over so he is on top of me, and he tries to bite my hand, making me shriek, and my hand try to slap his away while I kick my legs.

"Riley! Tommy! Stop it, right now!" I hear Mom yell, and suddenly me and Tommy are being pulled off one another.

Mom grabs hold of me, and Dad grabs Tommy, dragging us to either sides of the living room.

"Get off me!" I swing my leg around, making it connect with Mom's ankle.

"Don't you dare kick me, Riley! You are not a toddler!" Mom slaps my leg, holding my wrists so I couldn't run back to Tommy.

"He started it!" I protest, glaring daggers at my Mom.

"Liar!" Tommy shouts, struggling against Dad's firm hold.

"Both of you stop!" Dad shouts, making me snap.

"It wasn't my fault! Tommy was the one who grabbed my hair, you just never believe me!" I shout, breaking free from Mom's grip and pushing Tommy back into the wall with my powers as I storm towards the stairs.

"Riley don't you dare use your powers on your brother!" Mom hollers from behind as I hear her following me up the stairs.

"Leave me alone!" I run into my room, using my powers to slam the door in Mom's face.

(Wanda's POV)

Riley's door slams in my face as I try to walk in her room, and it takes everything in me not to blow it of its hinges.

She and Tommy have done nothing but argue lately, and it's really starting to get on both mine and Vision's nerves.

I take a deep breath and decide to leave Riley to calm down as I deal with Tommy.

I walk back downstairs and see Tommy sulking on the couch, and Billy playing on his iPad next to him.

"Took away his iPad." Vision explains, looking up from the newspaper that he was reading.

"I've left Riley to calm down for a few minutes." I sigh, sitting on the chair next to him.

"They have all been arguing so much recently, especially Tommy and Riley. It's getting on my nerves." I put my head in my hands, and feel Vision place a soft hand on my back.

"It's what siblings do." Vision assures me, softly.

"Me and Pietro never argued this much." I counter, a flash of sadness coming over me as I remember Pietro.

"You two had a special bond." My husband tells me, softly.

I lean over and peck him on the lips. "I'm gonna go see our daughter."

"Don't start another shouting match." He teases, as I walk back up the stairs, to Riley's room.

I knock softly on the door, not hearing any reply from inside.

"Riley?" I questions, but she doesn't answer.

"Riley, I'm coming in." I warn, opening the door.

I walk inside and my heart breaks at the sight of Riley curled up on her bed, tears silently streaming down her face.

"Oh, sweetheart." I walk over to the bed, sitting down next to Riley who doesn't move.

"What's got you so upset, hmm?" I rub my hand along Riley's back, waiting for a response.

"You never believe me..." Riley's voice cracks slightly as she talks.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" I ask, confused.

"You always blame me for starting the fight. Never Billy, never Tommy. Always me." She whispers, sadly.

I think back to all the times that me and Vision had done exactly that, and I instantly feel awful.

"I'm sorry for always blaming you, sweetheart. I'll do better in future." I promise the teenager, brushing a piece of her brown hair behind her ear.

Before I can move, Riley jumps up from her spot on her bed and throws herself into my arms, sobbing.

I regain my composure after being slightly taken a back, and wrap my arms tightly around my daughter, whispering comforts into her ear.

"You know I love you, Riley." I place a kiss on her forehead. "And Dad, and Tommy, and Billy. They all love you so so much."

Riley sniffs, hiding her face in my neck. "I know." She whispers, her voice barley audible.

After a few minutes of sitting there, Riley pulls away from me, wiping the tears tracks from her face.

I giggle softly, wiping the mascara from her cheeks.

"Wanna go back downstairs?" I offer, placing a kiss on Riley's nose.

Riley nods, taking my outstretched hand and walking with me back down the stairs.

The twins and Vision are sitting, eating dinner with light chatter between them.

Me and Riley join them at the table, taking our usual seats.

It's silent for a few seconds, before Tommy clears his throat.

"I'm sorry for annoying you and pulling your hair, Riley..." He apologises, quietly.

"Sorry for kicking you." Riley apologises quickly.

Me and Vision smile at one another.

"Billy, could you pass me the chips." I ask, pointing to the bowl of nachos on the table next to him.

Tommy and Riley share a look and start laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask in confusion, as there laughs get louder, Billy joining in.

Vision looks at the scene in amusement, while I wrack my brain to think what was so funny.

"Was it something I said?" I ask my husband in confusion, who just shrugs as the kids laugh there heads off.

Hope you enjoy the first chapter of my new book! Requests are welcome!

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