jealously (eo)

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Request from melwoodslove so thank you for this idea, and sorry it took so long! Also ty all for 10k on this book!

Riley is 6


"When's Mommy gonna be home?" I ask Daddy, walking into the kitchen where he was making lunch.

"Soon sweet pea, she's just filming at the moment." He tells me, apologetically.

I frown. She was ALWAYS filming, and she was spending more time with Julian and Jett who played her children in the new show, than she did with me.

"But she's always filming..." I huff, leaning into Daddy's leg.

"I know, baby. How about we go bring her lunch?" Daddy asks, leaning down and picking me up.

I nod into his shoulder, a pout still evident on my face. I wanted Mommy to come home.

Once we had eaten, Daddy puts some food in a box for Mommy and then we go to the car to drive to where Mommy was filming.

"Out, Daddy!" I shout as soon as the car had stopped, trying to open my door.

"Hold on a sec, Ri." Daddy comes around and unlocks my door, lifting me into his arms.

"You ready to go find Mommy?" He asks excitedly, walking across the parking lot.

I nod excitedly, looking around for Mommy as we walk into a huge tent.

I finally catch sight of her, but she was taking to Julian and Jett...

"Mommy!" I call, trying to get her attention, but she doesn't hear me.

I start to get more frustrated at her ignoring me for the boys. "Mommy!" I shout louder, which made her turn her head towards me and Daddy.

I see her smile, and she immediately walks over as Daddy places me on the floor.

"Hey, baby!" Mommy opens her arms, and I quickly run up to her, hugging her tightly.

"I missed you, Mommy." I tell her, laying my head on her shoulder.

"I've missed you too, Ri."

I feel Mommy kiss the back of my head and I zone out as she and Daddy talk, just breathing in her comforting scent.

"Thank you for bringing me lunch, Robbie." I hear Mommy tell Daddy.

Mommy is suddenly trying to place me down, which I didn't like, so I let out a whine and gripped onto her tighter. "Noooo!"

I hear Mommy sigh, but I don't feel her trying to put me down anymore, instead she sits down with me straddling her lap.

Mommy starts to eat the food which we brought for her, and I occupy myself with weaving my fingers through her orange wig.

"I like your orange hair, Mama." I tell her quietly.

Mommy chuckles, running her hand through my dirty blonde hair. "Thank you, baby."

"Okay, Ri. Let's go home, sweetie." I hear Daddy announce, so I shake my head firmly.

"No, I want to stay with Mommy!" I protest, hiding my face in her shoulder for emphasis.

"Come on, Ri. I'll be back home before you know it." Mommy says, trying to pull me off her, but I cling on tighter.

"Nooooo!" I let a few forced tears fall down my cheeks in hope that Mommy will let me stay with her.

"Stop with the crocodile tears, Riley." Mommy tells me firmly, which made me cry more as she eventually passes me over to Daddy.

"No!" I shout, trying to hit Daddy, but he catches my wrist firmly.

"We do not hit, Riley." He tells me firmly, making me squirm more.

"Hey Lizzie, can you help me with my lines?" I see Julian come over to where we we're sitting, which made me even more angry.

"Of course, sweetheart. I'll see you later Ri." Mommy says, giving Daddy a kiss and standing up from the chair.

"No!" I scream. "She's my Mommy! Not yours!" I yell at Julian.

"Riley!" Mommy and Daddy scold at the same time, as Julian looks slightly taken a back.

"Go and wait by the drinks table, Julian. I'll be there in a minute." Mommy tells him.

Julian nods, running off to wait for Mommy.

"Be with me!" I yell angrily at her. "Your my Mommy! Not his!"

"I never said I wasn't your Mommy, baby." Mommy tells me more gently. "You are my baby, not Julian. He has his own Mommy, but he just needs some help with learning is lines."

This makes me pout. "My Mommy only!"

I see Mommy smile faintly. "Yes, Ri. I'm your Mommy only."

This makes me slightly happier, so I stop making a fuss, and walk back to the car happily with Daddy.

"You ready to go munchkin?" Daddy straps me into my car seat, before closing my door.

"Thirsty." I tell him, gently kicking my feet backwards and forwards.

"Here you go, princess." Daddy reaches back, with my paw patrol water bottle in his hand.

I quickly take it, staring out of the window as Daddy drives out of the parking lot and back home.

On the way home, I feel myself start to get more and more sleepy.

"Why don't you have a nap, sweet pea." Daddy suggests. "I'll wake you up in a few hours."

That's all it takes for me to close my eyes, and fall into a deep sleep.


"Rileyyyy... wake up, baby." I feel someone running their soft hand gently up and down my cheek to wake me up gently.

I always wake up really tired, so as soon as I saw it was Mommy, I climbed out from under my covers and sat on her lap.

"You sleep well, Ri-Ri?" Mommy asks softly, and I feel her place a kiss on my head.

I nod into her chest, never feeling very talkative after I'd just woken up.

"My Mama." I mumble as I hug her, just making sure she knew that she was my Mommy only.

"Yea, pumpkin. I'm your Mama."

Ugh I hate this chapter sm. The request was great but I just wrote it so badly so I apologise. Hope you enjoyed it regardless tho!

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