caught (wm)

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A request from ItsLada so ty for the idea! Also how are we at 1000 reads already?! This has only been posted for a week, you guys are crazy! Love u all! Also as someone who has a vape addiction, please lemme know ur fave flavour, mine is personally watermelon or cherry

Riley is 15


I'm about to go out with my friends as we had planned to go into town and then go to a park for a bit, so I was obviously taking my vape.

It was never something I had planned to get addicted to, but I bought one for a laugh and then suddenly I couldn't live without it.

However, if my parents found out then they would go APE SHIT crazy on me. They were both very against smoking and vaping for some weird reason, so if they found out then I would probably never see the light of day again.

This is why I've gotten very good at hiding it from them, I never leave it home and I always carry around perfume to mask the smell.

I stuff the elf bar into my coat pocket and run down the stairs, putting my air forces on in the hallway.

"Mom, Dad! I'm going out!" I shout into the kitchen, standing up from the floor.

"Okay, sweetheart. Have fun, and be back by eight please as we are having a family dinner night." Mom tells me.

"Will do!" I shout back, already halfway out of the door.

As soon as my house is out of sight I bring out my vape, taking a long puff and sighing with relief.


We had spent a few hours at the park messing about, and we were now walking home, ghosting our vapes and seeing who could do it better.

"Nah, Eliza's was pretty cool." I vote, pointing at my bestie.

She smirks. "See, Riley agrees that I'm the best."

I laugh at her boastfulness, blowing a puff of watermelon smoke in her face, before ghosting the smoke myself, which earned a joking applaud from Elliot.

"She can finally do it without looking like a tit." He teases, as I push him playfully.

"Says the virgin." I tell him pointedly, earning a few 'oohs' from the group.

Elliot laughs. "Alright Maximoff, I'll give you that one."


(Wanda's POV)

We we're completely out of tomato's, and I needed them for tonight's dinner, so I left Vis with the food and quickly drove to the shops.

On my way back as I was driving through town, I see a group of teens vaping and I scrunch my nose up in disgust.

I can't help but think one of the teens looks very familiar, so as I drive past I glance at the girl and am forced to do a double take when I see it's Riley.

I'm absolutely fucking fuming! She knows how much against smoking I am! How dare she go behind my back like this!

As soon as I get home, I storm into the kitchen and explain to Vis what I had saw.

He looks really angry as we wait for Riley to come back. Oh good that girl was in for it when I laid eyes on her.


(Riley's POV)

After spraying myself with perfume, I shove my vape into my coat pocket and use my key to open the door.

I'm kicking off my shoes, when I hear Mom's angry footsteps coming towards me. Great.

She appears in the hallway, clearly trying to control her anger.

"Riley!" She snaps, striding over to me and holding out her hand.

My insides freeze.

"Give it to me. Right. NOW." She orders, angrily.

"I don't know what your talking about." I lie smoothly, folding my arms across my chest.

"Don't lie to me, Riley Maximoff!" Mom raises her voice. I've never seen her this angry before.

"I'm. Not. Lyinggggg!" I punctuate every word in her face, not giving in.

"Either give it to me right now, or I will take it myslef." Mom warns, a flash of red appearing in her eye.

Instead of pushing her more, I reluctantly reach into my pocket and hand over my vape.

Mom snatches it from my hand, before pointing up the stairs.

"Get in your room. Now. I don't even want to look at you."

Her words hurt me slightly as I obeyed what she told me and slowly made my way up to my room.


I lay on my bed for what feels like hours, waiting for someone to come in.

I hear a soft knock on the door, so I tell the person that they can come in.

Dad opens the door, looking considerably less angry than Mom, but I can still see that he's mad.

He doesn't say anything, just sits down on the edge of my bed.

"Do you know why we don't want you vaping, Riley?" He asks, calmly.

I nod, letting out a sigh. "Because it's bad for me, I know."

"Yes. But it's also addictive, sweetheart. Once you start it's very hard to stop." Dad tells me, placing a hand on my knee.

I nod, staring at my bedsheets to avoid eye contact.

"Promise me you won't buy one again?"

I nod again, thinking about how much Mom must hate me right now.

"Come here." I look up to see Dad with his arms open.

I tentatively fall into his warm embrace, resting my head into his shoulder. Despite being made of vibranium, he gives the softest hugs.

After a while I pull away, giving him a small smile.

"Go apologise to your mother." Dad tells me, nodding towards the door.

I give him a nervous look, but he just pushes me forward.

I slowly go down the stairs and go into where I can hear Mom finishing up dinner.

I stand in the doorway as she doesn't seem to have noticed me.

"Mom?" I make myself known, and Mom turns her head to look at me with no emotion on her face.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, hating that fact that she probably now hates me.

"I know you are." She holds out her arms and with a sigh of relief, I run forward and crash into her.

Neither of us say anything, I just enjoy the moment.

Based of the fact that I got snitched on for vaping at school and now I have 2 detentions. Fuck you life. Also it got taken off me so I had to get another one🙄

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