fainting on the field (wm)

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I hope you all enjoy!

Riley is 12
Billy and Tommy are 11


"Mommm! I can't find my soccer shoes!!" My little brother shouts loudly down the stairs, making my already pounding headache increase.

I grimace and put a pillow over my head to try and muffle the sounds going on around the house.

As soon as I was woken up this morning by my Mom, I have had the worst headache ever. It feels like my skull is about to burst, and my brothers yelling around the house isn't helping in any way shape or form.

I hear footsteps coming into my room and then a voice quieter than the ones coming from my little brothers.

"Riley, it's time to get up baby. The boys game starts in an hour, and we need to get them to the pitch so they can warm up before hand." Mama tells me, and I hear her opening my draws and then feel some clothes being placed on my feet over the duvet. "Come on please."

I groan, keeping my head under the pillow. "Mama I don't feel good..."

"Sweetheart, I don't have time for this today. This game is very important to your brothers, and we have to be there to support them. You don't have to do anything apart from sit down and pretend to watch the match, okay?" She tells me, lifting the pillow up from my face, the light shining through the new open curtains making my head hurt.

"But Mama-" I whimper, really not wanting to sit in the heat and watch a stupid soccer match.

"No buts, Riley. Up." She tells me firmly, giving me a stern look before leaving the room and gently closing the door behind her.

I sigh and stay laying down for a few more seconds, before slowly starting to get up, which definitely didn't help my headache.

It had been so hot in Westview recently, with temperatures reaching up to 33 degrees celsius yesterday, which in my opinion was FAR to hot to be doing anything, let alone playing soccer, but what do I know.

I clumsily dress myself into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that my Mom had left on my bed for me, having to stop every few seconds because of how dizzy I felt.

"Kids, get in the car!" I hear Dad shout from downstairs, and then two pairs of footsteps thunder down them loudly.

I slowly start to walk out of my room and sit down at the top of the stairs to go down on my ass, not trusting myself not to fall down them if I tried to walk.

"Riley honey, what are you doing?" My Dad questions, looking at me sliding down the stairs in slight confusion. He was in his human disguise as we were going out in public.

"I'm coming down the stairs." I tell him bluntly, reaching the bottom and throwing some sliders on my feet.

Dad looks at me blankly for a few seconds, before nodding and grabbing the car keys.

What's his problem? Isn't a girl allowed to come down the stairs on her ass?

"Mom it's too hot for this..." I groan, looking up pleadingly at my Mama, who was putting on some white sneakers.

"It's cooler today baby, and we don't have a choice, so come on please or we will be late." She tells me, before heading out and getting into the car, where my Dad and brothers were already waiting for me.

"Hurry up Ri, we are gonna be late!" Billy hollers from the trunk seats impatiently.

I shoot him a glare as I walk out of the house and slouch down across the three back seats, leaning my head against the window.

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