trouble at school (wm)

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Thank you for the amazing request exotrme! I hope you and everyone else enjoys this chapter!

Riley is 13


School sucked.

I know that's what every teenager in the world would say, but it's true.

Having a famous Mom and Dad isn't all it's cracked up to be, and even go they both barely go on missions with the avengers anymore, everyone still knows who they are.

"Careful, she might kill you with her powers like how her Mom tried to kill the avengers." I hear someone tease, as I try to walk to my locker.

Their comments hurt, as there not just about me, but my parents too...

I try to ignore the girl, but she stands in front of me, blocking my path.

"Can I get past, please?" I ask calmly, not trying to start a fight with her.

"What are you gonna do? Mind control me?" She jeers.

I can see her group of friends laughing.

"I just want to get to my locker." I correct, trying to push past her.

I quicken my pace down the corridor, trying not to let tears fall down my face.

"Freak! You are your freakish Mom should be locked up!" I hear her yell behind me.

I stifle a sob, changing my course so I barge into the bathroom instead.

I press my back against the wall, trying to control my breathing as I slide down to the floor.

Why can't everyone just leave me alone!

I think about calling my Mom and asking her to pick me up, but I didn't want to bother her and make her worry.

She didn't know I was being bullied at school. Neither did Dad.

I bury my face in my hands, trying to sike myself up to go back to my locker where I need to change my books for lessons after lunch.

I didn't have any friends. I thought I did, but it turned out that they just wanted to be friends with me because of my parents, so I spent the school day by myself.

But I don't mind being alone. The silence is comforting, and it means that I can read peacefully at lunch.

My brothers didn't have this problem. Both Billy and Tommy had great friends and no one cared that there parents are avengers. Why can't my life be like that?

Before I can stand back up off the floor, the bathroom door slams open and the girl who was shouting insults at me a few seconds ago walks in, laughing at the sight of me on the floor.

"I wasn't done talking to you, bitch." She scowls, looking down at me.

"Aw, is the little girl crying?" She fake pouts. "That's it. Go cry to your Mom, maybe she'll come in here and mind control the whole school."

That was the last straw. I jump up from the bathroom floor, and push the girl roughly back into the corridor, until she hits the wall hard.

She punches me in the face, and I feel it throb, but it only bursts my adrenaline.

I land a punch to her nose, which immediately makes her bleed, and fall to the floor.

"You such a fucking bitch!" I punctuate each word by hitting her, as she tries to kick and hit me back through her own sobs.

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