the witch (wm)

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First of HUGE SPOILER WARNING FOR MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS SO IF YOU HAVNT SEEN IT THEN DONT READ. But it's scene in MoM broke my heart, so I decided to add Riley into it. I also added more fluff at the beginning because why not yk.

Riley is 5


"Mommy?" I look into the kitchen where Mommy was doing the dishes.

"What is it Ri?" Mommy asks, not taking her eyes of the plates she was cleaning.

"Mommy!" I whine again, wanting her to come here.

I hear her sigh, placing the dish into the sink. "Coming, baby."

I look to my left where my brothers were both watching some sort of cartoon, but I was bored and wanted Mama.

"What's wrong, baby?" Mommy asks, walking over to the couch where I was sitting.

I just whine, holding my arms so she could pick me up.

"You just wanted a cuddle?" Mom let's out a chuckle, taking me into her arms and letting me bury my head into her chest.

I nod into her chest, my fingers curling into her long brown hair.

I touch a spot on her shoulder and she hisses out in pain, so I retract my hand quickly.

"Not there baby, Mama has an owie." She tells me, wincing in pain.

"Why?" I ask, looking at Mommy's face which had lots of owies on it.

"I-I'm not sure, Ri." Mommy tells me, looking slightly scared.

"I make them better." I smile, kissing the cut on her cheek to make it better.

Mommy smiles at me. "Thank you, Ri. I feel better already."

I sit on Mommy's lap for a while, before I feel her move me onto the sofa.

I whine, making grabby hands to be lifted back into her arms, but she doesn't listen.

"Mommy needs the bathroom, baby. Stay here with your brothers." She tells me, pointing to the twins who were sharing a bowl of popcorn.

"No Mama!" I whine, not wanting to stay here. "Come with youuuu!"

"Mommy just needs a minute, baby. I'll be right upstairs." She gives me one more kiss on the forehead before making her way upstairs, leaving me with my brothers.

"Want some popcorn, Ri-Ri?" Tommy asks, holding the bowl out to me.

I smile, grabbing a fistful of the buttery snack and shoving it into my mouth, fixing my eyes on the tv.

Suddenly, there's a loud noise and a woman standing in a massive star, holding a girl by her neck.

"Billy, Tommy, Riley..." The woman looks at us, her eyes were creepy and scary.

I scream with terror, my brothers following.

"MAMA!!" I cry, jumping off the couch to get away from the witch.

"IT'S THE WITCH!!" Billy screams, running to the stairs.

"MAMA!!!" I scream again, hearing hurried footsteps before she came running down the stairs.

"Mommy!" Tommy cries as we meet her halfway.

Mommy puts an arm around us protectively, as the witch stalks towards us.

"It's okay, it's okay..." She comforts, hiding us behind her.

"I'm your mother!" The crazy witch shouts, using her powers that were just like Mama's to throw the sofa to the side.

Mommy's powers go into her hands as I hide behind her legs, sobbing with my brothers.

"Get away from them!" The witch growls, using her powers to throw Mama into the wall.

"Mommy!!" Me and my siblings yell in terror as Mom crashes to the ground, hard.

Billy grabs my hand, pulling me down the stairs with him, as we run to our toys, throwing them at the witch.

"Get away from our Mom!" Tommy shouts, throwing a toy car at her.

"Go away!" I back up my brothers, throwing a doll at the witch to make her disappear.

"Please... kids, stop." The witch tells us, in a weirdly gentle tone that sounded a lot like Mama...

"Get out of our house!" Billy screams, as we continue to throw toys at the witch, until she snaps.

"Stop it!" She yells, her face scary.

I immediately burst into tears and run to hide behind the stairs, my brothers following to comfort me.

The witch walks towards us, her arms wide open, and a creepy smile on her face.

"Please don't hurt us..." Billy begs, tears streaming down his face as he and Tommy hold me protectively.

"Please go away!" I cry, hiding my face in Billy's side.

The witch's face soften and I see tears building in her eyes. Why was she crying?

"I would never hurt you." She tells us, sounding upset. "I would never hurt anyone, I'm not a monster. I'm not-" She shakes her head in denial.

Me and my siblings look over at Mommy, who was groaning in pain on the floor.

We all stare at the witch, who was crying with a terrified expression on her face. I wanted my Mommy.

The witch starts crying even more and stumbles away from us.

I immediately run to Mommy, who was trying to walk into the kitchen, my brothers hot on my heels.

"Mommy!" I run into her arms gently, as she kneels on the floor, trying to catch her breath.

She holds me close, and I feel her put a comforting arm around my brothers as she assures us that she is okay.

I see the witch who looks like an evil version of Mama, fall to her knees in tears.

Mama starts to stand up, so Tommy and Billy immediately try to stop her.

"No, Mom..." Billy pleads, trying to hold her back.

She tries to remove me from her arms, but I just let out a broken cry and fall back into her chest. I wasn't going on my own.

Mom stands up with me cuddling into her chest and walks slowly towards the witch kneeling in the middle of the room, with her head down so I could see the crown properly on her head.

I didn't like her, but Mommy reached her hand out, placing it on the witch's cheek.

I gasp in fear, but the witch simply opens her eyes, staring up at me and Mommy.

"Know that they'll be loved." Mama promises her, before walking back to Billy and Tommy.

We watch as a teenager makes the portal disappear, taking the witch with her.

There is silence for a few seconds, before I carefully ask Mama a question.

"Mama. Who was that?" I question, staring at the wall where the portal had been.

"That was someone who's lost everything..." Mommy tells me simply, walking over to Billy and Tommy, pulling us all into a group hug.

Hope you all enjoyed!

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