beach day (wm)

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Did I kind of steal lizolsenfan idea? Yes I did. Although it's without the drama at the end cause I cba to write that. So just fluff ahead people!

Riley is 5
Billy and Tommy are 10


Mommy and Daddy were taking us to the beach today, and I was so excited!

"Ri, have you got your swimming costume on baby?" Mommy asks, walking into my room.

"Yeah!" I announce excitedly, showing her my Moana swimming costume under my shorts and t shirt.

"Good girl." Mommy smiles, walking over and picking me up. "You ready to go, Ri-Ri?"

I nod excitedly. "Let's go!"

Mommy grabs my sandals for later, as I didn't want to wear them yet, and carries me downstairs, where Daddy and my brothers were waiting.

"We got everything?" Daddy asks Mommy, who nods.

We all get into the car, with Mommy next to Daddy who was driving, me in the back, and my brothers in the trunk seats.

"Daddy, how long till we get there?" I ask, just as we're pulling out of the driveway.

"A little while yet baby, why don't you take a nap so you have energy to play in the sea?" He suggests.

I nod, it was quite early, and I only just realised how tired I am.

"Mommy give me cuddle?" I ask, wanting to go on Mommy's lap to sleep.

"You have to stay in your car seat, Ri." Mommy tells me, making me whine.

"You can have a cuddle when we get there." She promises.

I huff, but close my eyes and try to ignore my brothers playing there silly video game in the back.


I'm rudely awoken by someone cheering and kicking the back of my seat.

I huff in annoyance, turning around to face my brothers. "Be quiet!" I yell, grumpily.

"Calm down, Ri. They didn't mean to wake you up." Daddy reaches a free hand around and rubs my leg softly.

"Yeah they did!" I shout, straining against my seatbelt.

"Calm down, sweetheart. We're nearly there." Mommy tells me, turning around in the passenger seat.

I whine for the remaining 10 minutes of the trip, before brightening up as soon as I see the sea and the sand.

"Mommy look!" I point at the water through the car window.

"I can see, baby." Mommy smiles, as Daddy parks the car and gets out to let Billy and Tommy out of the trunk.

"Out! Out!" I bounce up and down in my car seat, wanting to go onto the beach.

"I'm coming baby, I'm coming." Mommy comes around and opens my door, lifting me into her arms.

"You want your shoes on?" Mommy asks, putting on a pair of sunglasses.

I shake my head, wriggling to be put down.

"Well then you gotta wait till we are on the beach, baby. Otherwise the tarmac will burn your toes." Mommy sits me in the trunk of the car, and grabs a bottle of sun screen.

"Nooo! No cream!" I whine, wriggling around as she rubs it all over my arms and legs.

"We don't want you to burn, Ri-Ri." She reasons, rubbing it into my scrunched up face.

wm/eo daughter one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now