what happened under the rubble (wm)

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This is not what I normally write but I found this on a sheet of paper in my school bag so I must have written it while I was bored in class one day, so I decided to post it as otherwise it would have just been thrown away. Hope you enjoy!

tw: mentions of detailed death, murder, torcher and blood


The rocks crumbled and crashed around the thin, frail body. She put up no fight, simply letting the stone fall upon her now delicate, but once strong skin. A gash to her leg, it's definitely broken.


Why isn't she dead yet?


Red spitting out of her.

Her red.

The whisps leak out and so does the thick, warm liquid. There's no way out, no way back, this is it. She's decided her fate. It's what she deserves.

All the pain she's caused. All the lives she's ripped from the mortal world.

She deserves it.


This is the end, and that's what she wants. She wants to be with her family. With her beautiful babies...

This is the end that she was destined for since the day she volunteered to join HYDRA. She killed. She was cursed from the very start. Cursed with ancient magic. Cursed with causing pain and suffering wherever she went.

The world would be a better place with her long gone, somewhere where she can't cause any more pain.


Noise. So much fucking noise.

The sound of rocks descending around her is all that she can hear. Rocks falling, aided by the very thing that caused all of this in the first place.


She is a monster. Monsters aren't heroes, and they shouldn't be allowed a happy ending. They are creatures from the very depths of hell, who are born of pure evil and suffering. Born to cause death and destruction.



Don't lie to me. Don't tell me people can change. They can't. I'm not religious. I don't believe there is a God who makes everyone happy, and if there is, what have I ever done to wrong him? I used to be happy. I was happy, but that too got taken from me. Every. Single. Time.

I guess I'm just not meant to ever live a happy life. My purpose is to hurt. And hurt is what I do best. I kill. I torcher, and I make others suffer because of my cursed soul. Who can love a witch who has caused so much pain?


He could. My beautiful husband. But he's gone just like everyone else, and it's my fault.


I killed him.


His body was cold and lifeless in my arms. I pulled the wires right from his chest. Shred them like he was a pig being brutally murdered for slaughter. Why? Because I had to. But it didn't matter. We still lost. Everyone lost, but I lost three things that day. I lost my family, I lost my love, and I lost myself. Now I'm merely the shell of the person who I used to be.

I had a daughter... a beautiful baby girl.


I murdered her.


Her body lays rotting on the remains of what was. Bugs crawling into her skin, and eating her alive from the inside out.

I wanted to move her.

But I couldn't.

Whatever remains is no longer my flesh and blood. It's merely a corpse.

Empty. Used. Broken. My body is a puppet for slaughter being pulled by my own strings which have been formed and strengthened over time. Stained with red. But not my red. Their red.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The crimson liquid poured over me, slowly taking over my entire body.

Maybe I willed this? Maybe I didn't. It makes no difference.

Pain. So much pain.

I can't move, can't breathe, but I can feel it all.

Every rock crushed upon my body. Every piece of stone that shatters my bones. I cry out in pain, but no one is there to hear me. I have no body left in this cruel fucking world. No one to love this anger and pain out of me. Only coldness.

Stabs into my skin's very surface.

Gashes through each of my bones that are cracking under the pressure from the weight of my ledger, and the weight of the rock.

The pain never eases, it never lets up, and it never deteriorates.

It just gets stronger and stronger.


Bone's crackling.

Skin ripping.

Lung crushing, agony.


There goes my jaw. The loose bone is now hanging off my face.

Hanging. Dangling.

I deserve this. Every ounce of pain I deserve for what I did.

My mind wasn't my own. It was twisted and wrapped. Controlled. They screamed. They clung onto me like a wet sheet.

Dragging me further down the rabbit hole.

Eat me. Drink me.


Deeper, deeper.

I hope no one comes. There's nothing left to save. I am merely a broken artefact in need of being discarded.

Lock me up. Shut me out.

Pull me down. Restrain me. Kill me.

Kill me please. Just kill me.

It's choking me. I can't breathe. My chest is trapped.

One moment. Two moments. Nothing. No more pain, no more suffering.


The blackness is all that now remains. The darkness won, and now I can finally rest.


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