processing grief (eo)

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Hey readers!! Thank you for this request -LUVBLACKHILL I really enjoyed writing this chapter even tho I didn't really know where I was going with it half the time lmao. HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYYY!!

Riley is 10


They say that loosing someone you love is one of the worst pains in the world.

It stings until it burns, and then the wound deepens and deepens right down to the bone, chiselling into the hard surface and carrying right through to your heart until it pierces it.

My heart hurts... It hurts a lot.

Mama's hurts even more I think. Her and Daddy always cry when her name is mentioned in conversation, or when anyone brings her up.

I don't cry. I don't really know how to feel, because to me it feels like she's still here.

In my head, my big sister is still only next door in her bedroom, face timing her friends and waiting for me to come in and ask to play dolls with her.

I still see her sandy blonde hair on my hoodie's from where it would fall out because she had so much of it, and I can still hear her laughter when I go to the park.

Charlotte is still here. Isn't she?

"Come on baby, time to go to school." Mama stands in my doorway, putting her long hair up into a bun.

"Cominggg." I answer, standing up from where I was playing with my stuffed animals and grabbing my backpack, which I had already packed last night with everything I needed for today.

I grab onto Mama's outstretched hand and let her lead me down the stairs to the front door, so I could put my shoes on.

After I've done up my laces, I stay seated on the floor. Waiting. Gazing up the staircase.

"Let's go, sweetheart." Mama tells me again, placing a soft hand on my shoulder.

"We have to wait though, Mama." I shrug her hand off of me, listening out for any noise of my big sister rushing about upstairs. I heard nothing.

"Wait for what, Ri?" She asks in confusion, and I see her out of the corner of my eye, kneel down so she was closer to my level.

"For Charlie." I tell her. Obviously we have to wait for Charlotte, how else was she gonna get to school?!

I hear Mama take a deep shaky breath and then shuffle round to sit in front of me. I frown when I see her eyes were glossy and bristling with tears. But why was she crying...?

My Mama places a soft trembling hand on my cheek. "Sweetheart... Charlie isn't-she isn't with us anymore baby... You know that."

And then it hit me like a truck.

Charlotte was gone.

She was gone. She left me.

The car. Her car. It crashed.

November 12th 11:03pm.

"Charlie's gone Mama..." I whimper, feeling my own tears form in my eyes and start rapidly falling down my flushed cheeks. "I miss Charlie..."

"Oh sweetheart..." Mama's voice breaks as she brings me into a firm hug. "I miss her too my darling..."

"Why did she go?" I sob, clutching onto my Mom's jumper tightly in my hands. "Why did she leave me?!"

"She didn't want to leave you, Riley. Charlie just got into a very nasty accident remember?"

I do remember...

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