horror movie gone wrong (wm)

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This suggestion is from the lovely Aurelie_Bernard so ty again, as I was very stuck on ideas! If anyone has any requests feel free to dm me or just leave a comment, I will get round to them all eventually!

Riley is 14
Billy and Tommy are 10


"But Mama, it's your anniversary! You can't do nothing!" I tell my Mom, as she moves about the kitchen while cooking breakfast.

"Yes, but who's gonna watch you and the boys? Nat and Clint are both on a mission, so I can't call them over. And Steve is in New Jersey with Bucky." Mom tells me, stirring something over the stove.

"I can look after Billy and Tommy!" I protest. "I promise we won't fight or wreck the house!"

"Hmm..." Mom stops what she's doing as she thinks for a moment. "Okay..."

"Yesss!" I cheer. "Go with Dad and have a good time! Not too good though..."

"Watch it missy." Mom scolds, giving me a pointed look.

"Not like I don't hear you guys going at it every other night." I smirk, before taking off upstairs to avoid the lecture.



"Okay kids, me and your Mom are going out. Be good! I don't want to come home to any arguing or the house burned down." Dad tells us, as me and my brothers sit on the couch, watching the new Enola Holmes movie.

"Yes, Dad." We all chorus, keeping our eyes fixated on the screen.

"Bye my babies!" Mama comes in wearing a nice dress, and smothers us all with kisses, getting lipstick on us.

"Mom!!" We all complain, as she laughs and wipes the red marks off our faces.

"Sorry, sweethearts. Be good all of you and boys, listen to your sister, she's in charge. Ri, please watch them. We will be back in a few hours."

"Bye Mama, bye Dad!!" We all wave as they walk out of the door.

"Have a good time!" Billy shouts after them as they close the door, and we hear a car drive out of the driveway.

"Finally!" I pull my vape out of my pocket and snatch the remote of my brother.

"Hey!" Tommy shouts in protest. "Give that back, or I'll tell Mom you smoke!"

"Oh shut up you weasel." I stick my tongue out at Tommy, changing the film to something more entertaining.

"Ri, maybe you shouldn't smoke in the house... what if you get caught?" Billy tells me, looking nervously towards the front door.

"First of all I'm not smoking. And second of all dipshit, it smells like apple peach so I can just say it was my perfume." I tell him pointedly.

"Breathe air." Tommy scoffs, grabbing a chip from the middle of the table.

"No thanks, the air tastes like your farts." I snap back, as Tommy kicks me.

"Hey! You two have to listen to me! I'm in charge here!" I grin, loving this new power. Mama and Dad should go out more often.

Billy just turns his eyes back to the movie, clearly not bothered to argue.

"Doesn't mean your better than us." Tommy comments, bitterly.

"Maybe not, but it does mean that we can finally watch that new horror movie." I click on the movie 'smile.'

"YESSSS!!!" Tommy cheers, turning his full attention back to the Tv. "I've been dying to watch this!"

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