disneyland (wm)

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Hi again after... a few too many months. So a lots happened basically. I had a messy break up with my girlfriend and started college, so I have been busy with all of that. As well as various social events and just had lack of motivation to write so here's a long chapter to make up for it. I hope you all enjoy!

Riley is 5
Tommy and Billy are 10


(Wanda's POV)

Me and Vis had been planning this trip since last year when the kids (Riley especially) started to show a huge interest in Disney, as most kids their age do.

As soon as she heard about Disneyland from one of her friends at school, she has been begging me and Vision every single day to go and meet all the characters as 'that's where they live mama!!' according to her five year old brain.

So we decided as she was now old enough to really experience the whole thing, to book tickets to Disneyland Florida as that was the closet one too our house in New Jersey.

The plane ride was two and a half hours long, which didn't seem like a long time, but with a five year old, two hours goes by very very slowly...

"Mama, I'm boreddd!" Riley whines for what must have been the tenth time already and we are only half an hour into the flight.

We are flying regular economy as Vis and I didn't see the point on wasting money to fly first class for such a short flight, but now I'm regretting that decision as a little more privacy would have been nice, as well as a bigger space for Riley to play in.

"Why don't we watch a movie baby? How about Rapunzel?" I suggest, pointing at the screen in front of her seat.

"No wan watch Punzel, I wan see the real Punzel!" She protests, pouting and folding her little arms across her chest.

I sigh, looking across the plane at Vision and the twins who were sitting across the aisle from us. Unlike Riley, the boys were happily playing a game on their Nintendo, while Vision read a book.

He definitely got the easy children...

"I know you do baby, but to see Rapunzel we have to get there. It's only a little longer until we land and then we can go and meet her, yeah?" I reason, hoping that my words will finally resonate in her brain and she will calm down and just watch something or go to sleep.

Riley huffs slightly, but crawls onto my lap and points at the screen in front of me. "Watch Punzel..."

I smile and click on the movie, putting on her little pink headphones as the opening titles start to play and Riley thankfully sits still and is fixated on something other than wanting to run up and down the aisle of the plane.


"Mickey Mouse!!" Riley squeals excitedly as we near the entrance to Disneyland, having caught sight of the giant statues outside.

"Yeah, baby!" I laugh at her enthusiasm as Vision checks us into the park and hands the tickets to the man on the gate before continuing to drive towards the huge car park. "Is everyone excited?" I ask, turning around to face my children in the back.

"Yeah!" They all chorus, looking around in awe at all the Disney themed things we could see before even entering the park.

"Mom, do you think they will have you and Dad in the avengers campus bit?" Tommy asks, as Vision pulls into a parking space and takes a mental note of which row we were in so we could find our car again later.

I laugh. "Probably, baby."

As soon as the car stopped Riley was pulling on the straps of her car seat, whining to be let out as she watched her brothers jump out of the car.

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