the accident (eo)

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Hope you all enjoy this random ass chapter. Bear with me please as it does get better I promise!!

Riley is 14


"Mama, please can we just go and get maccies!! I'm starving!" I beg my Mom, who for some reason would rather spend an hour cooking than just drive to a drive through.

"No, Riley! We have plenty of food at home." She defends, opening the pantry for emphasis.

"Yeah, fucking uncooked pasta, anchovies and lentils." I scoff, making a face. "I'm hungry now and I don't want you're stupid anchovies on toast!"

"What's wrong with my anchovies on toast?!" Mama defends, clutching a tin of anchovies in her hands like they were her child.

"They are actually so disgusting. Don't bring them ANYWHERE near me!" I warn, taking a few steps back from Mom's disgusting fish addiction.

Mama sighs in defeat, putting the anchovies back and closing the pantry door. "Fine, fine. Go ask your Dad what he wants to eat from McDonalds."

I cheer in relief, running of to the studio, where I could hear my Dad messing around with his guitar.

"Daddyyyy!" I draw out, pushing open the door to the music studio, where I see my Dad look up from where he was practicing.

"Yes my princess?" He asks, shooting me a warm smile.

"Me and Mama are going to maccies, what do you want to eat?" I ask him, swinging backwards and forwards on the door handle.

"I'll have a large Big Mac Meal with a coke please! Oh, and don't forget my Oreo McFlurry." Dad tells me after a moments thinking. "And don't swing on the door sweetheart, you might break it."

"Okay!!" I run back to the kitchen, where Mom was now waiting with her coat on.

"What does he want baby?" She asks, looking up from her phone.

"A large Big Mac Meal with a coke, and an Oreo McFlurry." I recite, making sure I didn't forget anything.

Mom nods, and makes a note of it on her phone. "Right then monkey, let's go go go goooo!" She cheers, grabbing the car keys off the counter.

I quickly put some sliders on my feet and run out to the car, waiting impatiently next to the door. "Mamaaa! Unlock the car, I'm cold!"

"Okay, baby! Okay!" Mama quickly unlocks the car as she shuts the front door behind her.

I scramble into the passenger seat, immediately turning the heating on. I'm fucking freezing, maybe sliders was a bad idea...

"Honey, why didn't you put some sneakers on?" Mama questions, getting into the drivers seat and starting the car.

"Because I didn't think this far ahead." I shiver, pulling my knees up to my chest in hope to warm up my feet a little bit.

Mom chuckles, pulling out of our drive and driving down the street to McDonalds, which was only a 10 minutes or so drive.

On the way there we sing along to music on mine and Mama's playlist which we made together, and I get a video of Mom singing, which I obviously put straight onto my Instagram. It's not like she's gonna see it.

Mom pulls into the maccies drive through after narrowly missing hitting the barrier, and pulls up next to the speaker.

"Ri baby can you order? I don't know what anything is called." Mom asks, squinting at the menu in confusion.

I chuckle, unbuckling my seatbelt and leaning over Mama, so I was closer to the window. "What do you wanna eat, Mama?"

"I'll have one of those chicken burger thingies with fries and a latte please, sweetheart."

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