ear piercing (eo)

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Thank you so much for this request Wallflower_260 and I hope you and everyone else enjoys this cute lil chapter! And go follow romanoffismygirl whose stories are so fucking amazing. Love you to bits babes!

Riley is 10


I had been 10 for a week now, and I was super excited because I was finally allowed to get my ears pierced!

I had wanted them done for months as all of my friends had theirs done and it looked really cool! But Mama and Dad said I had to wait until I was 10 for some reason.


"Please, pleaseeee can I get them done Mama! They look really cool, and I promise I'll look after them!" I beg my Mom for what feels like the hundredth time.

"I've already said no, Riley. Wait until your at least 10." She says, throwing some things into the cart. "I'm not having this conversation with you now."

I huff loudly, groaning. "Whyyyy do I have to waitttt! Why can't I get them done now?!"

"Because I said so." Mommy replies smoothly. "If you keep going on at me about it, then I won't let you get them done at all."

"You're so mean!" I yell, earning a few stares from on lookers as we we're currently in the supermarket.

"Stop yelling at me, Riley." Mom hisses, reaching into the cart and moving all the items to the back. "Get in."

I keep frowning as I try and fail to climb into the cart, so Mama walks over and lifts me into it.

I sit down cross legged next to all the food, still annoyed.

(flashback over)

"You excited baby?!" Mommy asks as we cross the street to the ear piercing place.

"Yessss!" I nod excitedly, giggling with laughter as Mommy and Daddy swing there hands that were holding me forward, making me fly up onto the sidewalk.

I'm all excitement until we get to the door and I freeze in fear.

"You alright sweetheart?" Daddy asks as I look nervously at the building.

I shake my head and make grabby hands at him.

Daddy picks me up and I hear Mommy chuckle as she runs her fingers through my hair.

"You a bit nervous baby?" Mama asks.

I nod, hiding my head in Daddy's chest. I don't know if I wanted to do this anymore...

"We will be with you the whole time baby." Mommy promises me as she pushes open the door, walking over to a lady behind a desk.

"Ear piercing for the little one is it?" The lady asks.

"Yes, she's been buzzing with excitement and is now a bit nervous." Mommy tells her.

I hear the desk lady laugh. "Oh it's always the same! You can go straight in, there is a lady waiting for you!"

Mommy and Daddy both thank the lady before walking into another room.

"Riley Olsen?" Another woman asks.

"Yes, that's this one here." I hear Dad say, bouncing me up in his arms a bit.

"Let me guess... she's been buzzing with excitement but froze as soon as she saw the door?" The woman guesses.

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