red carpet (eo)

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Based on the picture at the top because Mama looks SO FRIGGIN FINE!! And this look just is the most perfect thing EVER!!

Riley is 6


"Mama are you ready yetttt?" I whine, looking up at my Mama who was still getting her hair styled to go to the red carpet. It's been ages now!

"Nearly sweetheart, why don't you go and find Daddy? I think he's in the bedroom." She points towards the closed bedroom door of the hotel that we were staying in as Mommy had to do lots of press and red carpets this week.

"I don't want Papa." I huff, walking over and scooting around the lady who was fussing with Mama's makeup, climbing up onto Mommy's lap. "I want you!"

"Woahhh, Riley careful please baby." Mama tells me, picking me up and readjusting me on her lap slightly so her dress didn't crinkle.

"I'm boredddd!" I whine, looking up at Mommy for emphasis, who just wraps her arms around me and moves my legs so I'm sitting straddling her waist.

"I know baby, only a bit longer." Mama whispers into my ear, carefully readjusting my headband that had slipped down the back of my head slightly as she rubs my back.

I settle down into her warm chest, the slightly uncomfortable dress material not bothering me much.

"Babe, the cars here!" Daddy shouts, coming out of the bedroom in a suit with smart looking shoes.

The makeup ladies move away from Mama and I shuffle off her lap to let her stand up. Once she stands up she does a little twirl. "How does Mama look Ri-Ri?"

"You look beautiful Mama..." I mumble, hiding my head in her stomach as I hug around her waist.

"You like your dress, Ri?" Papa asks, and I feel him place a gentle hand on the back of my head which was done in a fancy bun at the back.

"It's pretty!" I smile, turning around to ask Daddy to pick me up as I didn't wanna walk all the way down to the car. The stairs hurt my legs!

Daddy immediately picks me up and places me comfortably on his hip, grabbing Mommy's handbag and passing it to her.

"Can I bring Ebbie?" I ask, pointing towards my stuffed bear that was laying on the couch.

"Let's leave Ebbie here pumpkin. We don't want him getting lost." Papa tells me, kissing the side of my head as Mommy lets the makeup people out of the hotel door.

I nod in reluctant agreement, waving goodbye to Ebbie as Daddy follows Mommy outside into the hallway, still carrying me.

"We all ready?" Mama asks, smiling at me and taking hold of Daddy's free hand.

"Yah let's go!!" I cheer, pointing towards the elevator, making my parents chuckle.

I rest my head on Daddy's shoulder as he and Mama go downstairs to the lobby and then outside to a big car that was waiting for us.

Papa opens the back door and puts me onto a booster seat that was already in there, making me pout.

"I don't want a car seat." I huff in annoyance. Fancy cars aren't supposed to have car seats!!

"Only a few more years, monkey." Mama shushes me, buckling herself into the seat next to me as Daddy sits facing us.

Once the man starts driving, pretty lights come on under the seat that change colour every few seconds. I wish we had that in our car! Our car is boring...

"Ri-Ri, what do you do if you start to get tired or overwhelmed when we are at the red carpet?" Mommy asks me, putting a gentle hand on my thigh.

"Tell Mama or Papa." I recite, having been asked this question a million times before.

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