it was an accident (wm)

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Heyyyyy! Hope you all enjoy this chapter that I randomly came up with! I found this that I had written this earlier and I posted it because I'm not writing at the moment because I'm extremely hung over. I woke up, threw up. I ate breakfast, threw up. I ate lunch, threw up. ate my dinner and now I'm alright thank God. My emetophobia is not loving me right now but thank God when I'm drunk I don't care. Anyway night was wildin loved it. Enjoy!

Riley is 14
Billy and Tommy are 8


"Come on, Billy! You can do better than that!" I tease my little brother, who was struggling to hit the target with his powers.

"I'm trying Ri-Ri." He frowns in concentration, finally hitting the target.

"Yes, Billy!" I cheer, giving him a high five, which made him smile.

"Now, watch how I make sure my aim is right." I form my powers in my hands and throw them at the target.

But to my luck, Tommy as he's speeding around runs directly in front of me, consequently getting hit by the blast, which sends him flying back a few feet.

"Shit!" I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter. Fuckkkk Mom's gonna kill me.

I run over to Tommy, Billy hot on my tail, with worry etched across his face.

"Your fine. Get up it didn't hurt." I tell him, trying not to laugh at his expression.

Tommy just nods, tears starting to form in his eyes as Billy crouches down to comfort his twin.


"No, no, no, no!" I say hurriedly, putting my hands on Tommy's shoulders. "Please do NOT cry. Your fine, you just flew a few feet."

Tommy looks at me tearily for a few seconds, before bursting into loud sobs.

"You little shit!" I hiss, putting my hand over his mouth to silence his cries, but he just bites my hands and continues sobbing, calling for Mom and Dad.

Before I can remember how to erase his memory, Mom and Dad both rush outside with worried expressions on their faces.

Great. Just great! Thanks a lot, Tommy! I'm so dead now!

"What happened?" Mom asks, running over to Tommy and looking him over for any visible injuries.

"He just fell over." I lie smoothly. "Right Billy?"

Mom and Dad look from me to Billy.

Billy doesn't say anything, he just keeps his gaze on his twin.

"Is that what happened Tommy?" Dad asks the crying wimp, who immediately shakes his head.

Oh my god! What is his problem?!

"Riley hit me with her powers!" He shouts, pointing accusingly at me.

Mom and Dad's heads immediately snap to face me, and they don't look very happy.

"No I didn't!" I defend, hoping I would be able to get out of this. "You ran in front of the target! That's your own stupid fault!"

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