the truth always comes out in the end (cm)

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This was a request from EveAngela9 about Lizzie's new character Candy Montgomery from her new show Love and Death. Before ya'll come for me, this is merely a request for a fanfic. I am in no way romanticising what happened or anything like that. Merely editing my oc into the story. Also I guess spoiler warning for up to episode 4. Hope you all enjoy!! And for a bit of back story if you haven't watched LaD basically Candy murdered a women who's husband she had an affair with in self defence with an axe. To explain it simply

Riley is 13


My brother and sister were at bible school, but I had decided to come home as I was feeling a bit sick and wanted to lay down.

Mom had gone out to go get Alisa's swimsuit from Mrs Gore's house as she was staying over. Again, for like the third time this week.

I hated the Gore's. And therefore I hated Alisa always being here as every time I saw her it just reminded me that my Mom cheated on my Dad with her Father.

I could never hate Mama for it, but it still made me uncomfortable, and I was definitely mad at her for a while. I still am.

None of my siblings know and I assume my parents are gonna keep it that way as it would break Jenny and Ian's hearts just like it broke mine... I only found out because I overheard the conversation that my parents we're having late one night. There was a lot of crying involved and then I confronted my Mom the next day.

She seemed... embarrassed. And ashamed of herself. As she should be as I know Dad's not perfect, but that didn't mean she had to go off with Alisa's Father.

The very thought of it makes me shiver uncomfortably.

Dad seemed to forgive her though and I didn't want to not talk to her forever, but she just made me promise that I wouldn't tell my siblings or anyone else for that matter.

I was currently just laid on my bed reading my new book called 'Christine' by Stephen King. I had to save up to buy the book myself as my parents claimed I was too young to be reading horror novels, but I really enjoyed them and they were much more interesting that boring fairytale stories, so I just bought all my horror books in secret and hid them around my room to read while my parents were busy.

Suddenly, I hear the back door being unlocked and someone walking into the house, coming up the stairs.

Only Mom and Dad have a key but why would they be back so soon...?

I slowly put my book down and listen as the person goes upstairs into the laundry room, and stars obviously cleaning something, as I can hear the tap running and the sound of someone scrubbing some clothes.

Not wanting them to see me if it wasn't who I thought it was, I slowly stand up from my bed and tiptoe over to my door, which I had thankfully left slightly ajar.

I carefully peep my head around the corner which meant I was able to see right down the hall into the laundry room.

To my relief it was only Mom, but she seemed to be... upset? She was standing there half naked in only her bra and jeans, throwing what I assumed to be her shirt into the washing machine.

I watch as she then speeds into the bathroom, followed by the sound of the shower running a few seconds later.

What is she doing? She had a shower this morning... maybe she spilt something on her top and needed to change?

I stay in my place just hidden behind my door until a few minutes later when the shower stops and I see Mom reappear, now only wearing a towel, and she appeared to be limping...

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