family roadtrip (wm)

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It's road trip time motherfuckers. Yep, that's all I have to say about this chapter. Also if you see random updates of this book I'm just changing some names in some old chapters so don't mind me

Tw for vomit

Riley is 8
Billy and Tommy are 14


"Is everyone packed for going to North Carolina tomorrow?" Mama asks as we are eating dinner.

"Yes." Billy and Tommy both chorus, shoving their faces with pizza.

Oops. Yeah I haven't packed yet... Mommy had already packed my clothes but I was told to pack the toys I wanted to bring with me.

"Ri?" Mommy asks again.

"Yeah!" I almost wince at how high my voice was. Why am I such a bad liar?!

"Stinking liar." Mama narrows her eyes at me jokingly. "After dinner go and pack your toys, you won't have time to do it in the morning, we're leaving early as it's a seven hour car ride."

I groan. "But Mama, I don't wanna go!"

Dad interrupts my whining quickly. "We are going on a family outing, Riley. Go and pack the toys you want to bring. We are leaving tomorrow at seven."

I grab my last slice of pizza and take it upstairs with me so I can go and pack now instead of later tonight.

"I don't wanna go to stupid North Carolina! We have beaches that are way closer than silly North Carolina..." I mutter to myself, as I walk into my messy bedroom.

I grab a bag out from my wardrobe and throw a few stuffed toys and dolls in haphazardly, before zipping it up and throwing it into the corner of my room for the morning.

As I collapse onto my bed, I accidentally drop the half eaten slice of pizza onto my white bedsheets.

"Uh oh..." I gasp, seeing it's left a huge stain. "Mommy's gonna be mad at me..."

I quickly run into my bathroom, grabbing a cloth to try and wipe the sauce off, but it doesn't seem to work at all.

"Why won't it gooooo!" I whine, thinking of ways to hide the stain, and eventually deciding on a blanket, even though it's like the middle of summer.

"It's too hot to think!" I groan, flopping back onto my bed and immediately falling to sleep.


"Come on, baby. Up! We're leaving in an hour, you need to get out of your jamies."

I feel the covers being ripped off me, and I shriek whine as the cold air hits me.

"Mommy, I'm tired!" I protest , trying to take the covers back off her.

"You can sleep in the car, baby." Mom tells me, picking up some dirty clothes from the corner of my room that I hadn't put in the laundry basket.


"Rileyyy!" She copies my tone, walking over and lifting me out of bed, setting me on the floor.

"Stopppp!" I protest, rolling onto my front to cover my eyes from the sun.

"You packed?" Mom asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

I roll over to roll my eyes at her. "Yes!" I point towards the duffel bag in the corner of my room.

"Good. I want you down for breakfast in 15 minutes, Ri." Mom tells me, leaving the room to no doubt yell at Dad for packing the car wrong.

Why do we have to get up so early?! I look at my alarm clock which read 6:07am. Not even the sun is awake yet!

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