annoying brothers (wm)

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Hope you guys enjoy! This was very random so apologies about that, I'm trying to start some requests soon but they will be out eventually I promise. Enjoyyy!!

Riley is 15
Billy and Tommy are 12


"Get the fuck out of my room, Tommy!!" I yell at my annoying little brother, who had been pestering me for the last 10 minutes.

"Nope!" He grins, starting to look through all my stuff.

"Bitch, I said get out! Stop going through my stuff!!" I jump up off my bed and push him away from my desk, where he was opening various draws.

"Why? What are you hiding?" He taunts.

"Condoms." I tell my brother sarcastically, flipping him off.

"Your gay." He frowns in confusion.

"Exactly." I push him towards the door. "Out."

"I'm not doing anything!" He protests, grabbing my vape from my bed and taking a puff, coughing loudly.

I snort, snatching it off him. "Your such a dork."

"Your a dork!" He gets out in between coughs. "You breathe strawberry flavoured air."

"So do you apparently." I raise an eyebrow at him, throwing my vape back onto my bed. "Can you go now? Go annoy Billy or something."

"Nahhh." He walks back towards my bed and lays on it.

"Tommy, please get lost! I need to change!" I lie, just wanting him to leave me be.

"No you don't, your literally in pyjamas, Ri." Tommy points out.

Dam it.

"Okay, but just please fucking go! Or I'll tell Mom!" I threaten, snatching my vape and stuffing it in my pocket as he tries to make a grab for it again.

"Go ahead, I don't care." He shrugs, giving me the middle finger.

"Fine, have it your way. MAMA, TOMMY WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I yell, my voice echoing all the way downstairs.

"Tommy, leave your sister alone!!" Mom yells back from the kitchen, making Tommy snort.

"Told you she wouldn't careeee." He says pointedly.

I resits the urge to punch the puny shitbag to mars. "Tommy. Get. Out!" I punctuate every word, storming over and pulling him harshly off my bed.

"You get out." He retorts, pushing my face backwards.

"It's my room!!" I shout, pushing him backwards towards the door.

"Don't care." Tommy sticks his tongue out at me, which makes me loose it.

I jump on him, making us both fall onto the ground.

"OUCH, YOU CUNT!!!" He shrieks, tugging my hair, which hurt like a bitch.

"GET OUT MY ROOM YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!!!" I shout, slapping him.

"What is going on up there?!" I hear Mom shout from downstairs.

Before I know what's happening I feel my body being flung away from Tommy's, as I get pushed to the other side of my room by red magic.

I look up and see Mom with her eyes flashing scarlet. Well, we definitely pissed her off...

"What do you two think you are doing?!" She yells, putting her hands on her hips.

"He wouldn't leave me alone!!" I protest. "I literally told you that, but you ignored me!"

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