star of the show (eo)

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Thank you for this request SoniclyQaulan I hope this is okay for you! Hope everyone else enjoys too! Sorry for not updating in like weeks!

Riley is 3


"I've got to go and film a scene now, baby." Mommy tells me, lifting me onto Daddy's lap and standing up.

"Noooo!" I whine, wanting to stay with her. "Wan ou to stayyyy!!"

"Sorry baby, but Mama's got to work." She tells my sympathetically, kissing my head. "You can come and watch but you have to be silent, okay?"

I immediately nod my head.

"Let's go then, honey." Daddy stands up with me in his arms and we walk with Mommy to set.

She goes to the other actors and I sit on Daddy's lap on a tall chair to watch.

Mommy was filming with a girl that looked around the same age as me, but she was crying to her Mommy about something and pointing to the big camera.

Why is she being such a baby? The camera isn't scary! It's fun!

There's lots of people running round set until someone shouts action, and Mommy starts talking to the little girl.

But as soon as the camera goes near her she starts screaming and crying.

Mama tries to comfort her like she does me but the girl just cries for her Mommy, who runs in and picks her up, apologising to everyone.

"Hey Liz, your daughters here today right? She's about the same age as Stephanie." A man asks Mommy, who nods, pointing over to me and Daddy.

"That girl silly Daddy..." I mumble, leaning back into his chest.

Daddy quickly hushes me. "Shh we can't say that baby..." He whispers.

"Ri-Ri!" I hear Mommy call. I look up and see her beckoning me over.

Daddy let's me down and I run over to Mommy giggling.

"Hey baby." Mommy smiles, picking me up. "How would you like to do a little scene with Mama?"

I nod excitedly. "Wove the cama Mama!!" I tell her.

Mama laughs. "I know you do baby! Can you listen to Matt so he can tell you what to do?" She asks, pointing to the man next to us.

I hum in agreement, listening to Matt as he calmly explains what I needed to do, and what my lines were.

I get it pretty quickly, and a few minutes I was being placed on my starting spot and Matt is shouting things at the crew to get everyone ready.

Mommy gives me a reassuring smile before getting into character.


"Sophia I know it's you up there..." Mommy says her line, which is my que to walk down the stairs looking nervous.

"Are you weally goin way?" I ask her, letting a fake tear roll down my cheek as I hold a stuffed bunny tightly to my chest.

"Yes, but only for a few days. I'll be back before you know it, Phi." Mommy says, picking me up.

I lean my head on her shoulder, not looking at the camera which was really close to us.

"Who's gon kiss me na night?" I ask, looking up at Mommy sadly.

"Daddy's gonna look after you baby, he will kiss you goodnight and make sure your okay." Mama reassures me, walking into the fake kitchen.

"Not the same..." I mumble, making sure my voice is still loud enough for the camera man to hear.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. But I have to go for my work." Mommy gets a cup out of the cupboard and fills it with milk, putting it into the microwave.

"Come wif ou?" I ask, pretending to cry.

"Not this time, baby..." Mama tells me sympathetically as the microwave beeps, accidentally making me jump.

Mama rubs my back soothingly as she grabs the cup out of the microwave, handing it too me.

I take an experimental sip of the milk and when I know it's not too hot I happily carry on drinking. This acting this was easy, and fun!

"You pwomise to come home?" I look at Mama with teary eyes, making her tear up too.

She kisses my forehead softly. "I promise."

"AND. CUT!" Matt shouts, clapping his hands together. "That's a wrap on this scene, well done you two. Lizzie your daughter is incredible!"

As soon as Matt shouted cut I start smiling again, finishing off my warm milk because it tasted quite nice.

"You were so good baby!" Mommy praises, grinning at me.

I giggle is response. "That wa fun!"

"Hey, Liz. Stephanie's Mom is pulling her out of the project so how would you feel if Riley took her place? She's only got a few more scenes and they are mainly all with you, except for one or two with Aaron."

"How does that sound baby?" Mommy asks, turning her head to look at me. "Fancy doing a few more scenes?"

I nod my head excitedly. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Mama and Matt laugh.

"Well that's settled then. You've got the job Riley Olsen." Matt tells me in a jokingly series voice.

"Thank ou..." I mumble, a wave of tiredness suddenly hitting me as I lean on Mama's shoulder, handing her the empty cup, which she hands back to a crew member.

"You can take her home if you want Liz. I'll send you a copy of Riley's scenes and when we are filming them."

Mommy thanks Matt and carries me back over to where Daddy was sitting with a huge smile on his face.

"You were amazing princess!" Daddy tells me, opening his arms to give me a hug as Mommy places me onto his lap.

"It wa fun..." I mumble tiredly, grabbing some of Daddy's shirt in my fist.

"Matt has given me the afternoon off, so we can go home." Mama tells Daddy, grabbing her handbag from a nearby table.

Mommy says bye to a few people, before walking with me and Daddy back to the car.

Daddy places me in my seat and lays a blanket over me, handing me my paci.

"Why don't you have a nap baby?" Mama suggests, brushing some loose hairs behind my ears.

"K..." I mumble, instantly closing my eyes as I hear the radio talking in the background.

Goddddd I haven't updated in so long! Sorry I've had really bad writers block and I'm also sorry this chapter is really shitty!

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