too hot (eo)

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Based on the fact it's fucking 30 degrees rn and British sun is not like normal sun I tell you. 30 degrees in Britain is fucking BOILING compared to 30 degrees in Spain or somewhere not even being funny I'm DYING. Anyways hope you vaguely enjoy as it's pretty crap

Riley is 11


"Mamaaaaa!" I whine, stumbling tiredly into the kitchen where my Mom was making some salad and pasta for lunch. "It's so hottttt!"

"I know it is baby, but there's not much I can do about it." She smiles sympathetically at me. "You can go in the pool?"

"I tried that, but the pools hot too, and I got really burnt cause all my sunscreen washed off." I huff, laying my head against the cool counter top.

"Well then, why don't you go into the cinema room? It's cooler down there." Mama suggests, moving my wet hair from my neck.

"No, it's nottttt!" I whine, throwing my head back dramatically.

"Well then I don't know what you want me to do, Ri."

I huff in annoyance. "Your so unhelpful!" I shout, storming over to the freezer and sticking my head inside.

"Don't start getting stroppy with me, Riley." Mom warns, pulling my head out of the freezer and closing the door.

"Mama!" I protest, frowning at her.

"That's just going to make your ears stick to the freezer door, and then you will have something to moan about. Have an ice lolly and go whine someplace else." She pulls an ice lolly out of the freezer and throws it to me.

"Your so annoyingggg!" I catch the ice lolly and storm out of the kitchen to go and find Dad.

"Daddyyyy!" I whine, walking into his office where he was sitting at his computer with a fan next to him.

"What is it, princess?" He asks, not taking his eyes of his screen.

"I'm so hot!" I flop onto a spare office chair, unwrapping my ice lolly and licking it.

"Well it is 36 degrees outside, baby." Dad chuckles.

"Yeah, but I'm so uncomfortable!" I protest, wanting him to make me feel better. "I think I'm gonna get heatstroke!"

"There's a fan in the spare room that your Aunts normally stay in, use that to cool down." He suggests, taking my lolly wrapper and throwing it in the trash can.

"I've already got that fan and it doesn't help!" I shout, starting to get annoyed that neither of my parents were doing anything to help me.

"Okay well I need to get on a meeting, Ri. Go ask your Mom."

I groan loudly. "But she didn't know what to do either!"

"Well then your just gonna have to put up with it." Dad shrugs, making me even more annoyed.

"God your both so unhelpful!" I growl, standing up from the office chair and walking loudly out of Dad's office.

"Riley, can you stop storming about and yelling!" I hear Mom call as I collapse onto the floor of the living room. "We are all hot you know?"

"Well, you're both the only ones being annoying about it!" I yell back.

I hear Mom storm into the living room. "Riley. Maybe if you stop being so dramatic and just go lay in your room with a fan, you will cool down." She reasons, but I can see her patience running thin.

"Oh my god, I'm not being dramatic!" I shout at her, throwing my ice lolly at the wall.

"Riley Olsen!" Mom snaps angrily, picking the lolly off the floor so it didn't melt into the carpet.


"Clean that up right now, and then go up to your room! Your being completely ridiculous!"

I stand up with a groan, scuffing my feet along the carpet as I walk into the kitchen.

"But Mamaaaa, it's too hotttt!" I try to reason, picking up the spray from the kitchen.

"Should have thought about that before you decided to act like a toddler." Mom shoots me a glare, handing me a cloth.

I snatch it off her, storming angrily back into the living room to clean up the sticky mess on the wall and floor.

After I've finished I leave all the cleaning stuff on the floor and go up to my room, immediately turning on the two fans that were in there, but they didn't do much to help.

After about an hour my bedroom door opens and Mom opens the door, throwing a bikini at me.

"You're getting in the swimming pool, and this time I'm putting the right sunscreen on." She tells me, before leaving my room.

Knowing better than to argue after I've already made her mad today, I put on the bikini and make my way downstairs.

Mom is sitting on a bar stool, also in a bikini.

"Come here." She beckons me over and I immediately scrunch up my face in anticipation for the sunscreen.

I hear Mom chuckle, wiping the sunscreen all over my face and neck. "It's only sunscreen, Ri."

I shake my head in disgust as Mom covers my whole body with the gross sunscreen.

"And I used this amazing thing called WATERPROOF sunscreen." Mom gasps in a teasing tone.

I stick my tongue out at her as we make our way outside to the huge pool in our backyard. Perks of being rich I guess.

"Oh my god it's so hot out here!" I fan myself with my hands as the LA heat hits me even more.

Before I can even move, Mom picks me up and throws me in the pool.

"Look I cooled you down!" She laughs, jumping in next to me.

I come up to the surface coughing the water out of my lungs. "Mama!"

Mom just laughs in response, pulling me towards the shallow end so I could catch my breath.

Mom holds me in a bridal carry under the water as I cough up the last of the pool water.

"You good?" Mom laughs, poking my stomach.

I wiggle about with a squeal. "Yes!"

"Oh, your ticklish?" She asks in a fake curious voice.

"Noooo..." I shake my head, putting my arms across my stomach to shield it.

"Oh, so your not ticklish if I do... this?" Mom tickles my stomach, making me squeal with laughter.

"Stop it!" I get out between laughs as Mom stops.

"Or... this." She gets me in my armpits which made me laugh even harder.

"Okay! Okay! I surrender!"

Mom stops tickling me and let's me out of her arms so I was standing on my own feet.

"Your so mean." I fake pout at my Mom, who laughs and pecks my lips in a motherly way.

"I know." She grins.

Okay someone tell me what tf that was? Ah I hate it sm and I'm not just saying that. It turned out better than expected but DEAR GOD. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed cause I sure didn't

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