brothers are dicks (wm)

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If that title isn't true then I don't know what is. Hope you enjoy this chapter people!

Riley is 7
Billy and Tommy are 15


"Oh my god Riley, get the fuck out of my way!" Tommy shouts, roughy pushing me from in front of his TV screen where he was playing on his X-Box.

"I just wanted to talk to you! You don't have to be such a meanie!" I yell back, folding my arms across my chest with a huff.

"Well I don't wanna talk to you! Get the fuck outta my room!" Tommy scowls at me, going back to playing his game.

I storm out of my older brothers room and slam the door behind me to hopefully annoy him.

Why did he have to be so mean to me?!

I decide to go and see if Billy wanted to talk to me, so I push open my other brothers door.

"Billy?" I ask, looking at my brother who was doing something on his phone.

"What is it Riley?" He asks irritably, not looking up from the screen.

"Can you play with me?" I ask quietly, not wanting to annoy him.

Billy groans. "Can't you see I'm busy!"

"Busy with what?" I ask, becoming increasingly annoyed that neither of my brothers wanted to spend time with me.

"Stuff Riley! Just go away!" Billy uses his powers to push me out of the door, so I land butt first in the hallway.

I let out an annoyed scream, hitting my fists on the carpeted floor angrily. Why don't they wanna play with me anymore?!

I go back into my room and sit back down by myself with my toys.

"Sorry guys, Billy and Tommy are too mean to come here. So we are having a tea party ourselves." I tell my stuffed animals, pouring them each a cup of tea.


"Kids, dinner!" I hear Mommy call up the stairs.

I immediately drop the plastic tea cup that I was holding, and jump up from the floor to go downstairs.

I run out into the hallway at the same time as my brothers, who were both eager to eat dinner.

The staircase was closer to my room, so I'm just over halfway down when my brothers push past me roughly, making me trip and fall down the last few steps onto the floor.

"Riley?" I hear Mommy's voice call, obviously hearing when I hit the floor.

I let out a scream of pain. "Mommy!"

Billy and Tommy both try to cover my mouth to silence my cries, but my arm really hurt and I wanted my Mommy.

Mommy runs to the bottom of the stairs, where I was sat sobbing, while my brothers tried to shush me so they wouldn't get in trouble.

"Oh dear, Ri-RI." Mommy walks over and scoops me up off the ground, so I could sob into her chest. "What happened baby? Did you trip?"

"Billy and Tommy push past me, and made me fall!" I cry, pointing accusingly at my brothers, who were glaring daggers at me.

Mommy quickly spins to face them in anger. "Billy! Tommy! She's eight years younger than you! You need to be more careful!"

Billy and Tommy both mumble an apology, before running off into the dining room.

My cries turn into whines, and I register a dull ache in my arm.

"Your okay, Ri." Moms coos, starting to walk into the dining room.

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