chaos at the café (eo)

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Not too sure what this is but I'm writing it while watching a toddler have a tantrum in a cafe so I thought it would be a cool one shot. Hope you all enjoy!

Riley is 3


"Riley baby, can you stay there please." Mommy tells me, looking through a rof clothes.

I was so bored! We had been shopping for so long. All clothes! Not even any toys!

"Mamaaa!" I whine, pulling on some jeans that were hanging up, accidentally pulling them to the floor.

"Don't do that, Ri." Mama scolds, picking the jeans up of the floor and putting them back. "I'll be done in a minute, and then we can get you a cake."

"Cake now!" I shout, leaning into Mommy's legs.

"Only if your good for the next five minutes." Mama tells me, looking at the labels on a boring looking t-shirt.

I wait impatiently for Mommy to finish and then we go to the café to get a cake!

"What cake do you want, baby?" Mommy asks, pointing towards loads of different cakes behind the glass.

"Ummm..." I look at them all for a moment, before spotting a chocolate cupcake with lots of frosting.

"Dat one!" I announce, pointing to it.

"The chocolate one?" Mommy checks, kneeling down next to me so she could see it.

"Uh huh!" I nod, grinning.

"Okay." Mama stands back up and starts telling the worker lady what we want to eat.

I look around the café, spotting the fish tank in the corner with a fish in it that looked like Nemo! So I run over to it, pressing my head against the glass.

"Nemo!" I cheer, smiling at the orange and white fish. "Your here!"

He doesn't answer me, so he must be trying to stay undercover.

"Riley!" Mommy's voice calls, making me spin back around to see Mommy coming over looking worried. "You can't run off like that, baby. I didn't know where you were."

"Sowwy, Mama." I mumble, laying my head on her shoulder as she picks me up. I am super tired from all the shopping.

Mommy sits down at a table with me sitting on her lap, laying on her chest.

I wanted to keep my eyes open as I didn't want to nap until after I'd eaten my cake!

I unconsciously stick my thumb in my mouth as I look around at what's happening in the café.

As I'm looking, around I spot a few people with there cameras out, taking pictures of me and Mommy.

I whine, hiding my face in Mommy's shoulder.
I don't like strangers taking my picture.

"No pictures..." I mumble, getting Mommy's attention.

"What's wrong, Ri-Ri?" Mommy asks in confusion, running her hands through my hair as we wait for our food.

"Pictures..." I mumble again, pointing towards the people with phones out on the other side of the café.

I see Mommy glare at them just as the food lady comes over with my cupcake and Mommy's coffee.

"Here's your food." They smile at Mama, who smiles kindly back.

"Thank you. And um I was wondering if you could ask those people over there to stop taking pictures of me and my daughter?" Mama asks the waiter lady.

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