spider (wm)

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Heyyyyy! Aren't I just the CEO of stealing loveforwanda ideas? But anyways I stole another chapter idea bestieeee. Hope you all enjoy!

Riley is 7
Billy and Tommy are 11


I was playing in the garden with my brothers, and we all had lightsabers because we were playing lightsaber battles!

"I cut you up!" I declare, tapping Billy's arm with my blue lightsaber.

"Noooo! My armmmm!" Billy clutches his arm dramatically, making me giggle at his silliness.

Tommy then taps me on the leg, so I fall to the floor, pretending to scream in pain. "Noooo! My leggggg! Tommy you cut off my legggg!"

"I am the senate!" Tommy laughs in a deep voice, spinning his red lightsaber around.

As I'm laying on the ground, I see a spider crawl across the grass next to me, so I scream, scampering up from the ground and running a few paces back.

"Spider!" I yell, pointing at the scary insect.

"Sick!" Tommy drops his lightsaber, and kneels down next to the spider, cupping his hands around it to make it crawl onto his hand.

I take a few more steps back as Tommy stands back up with the spider on his hand.

"I don't like spiders, Tommy!" I tell him, as he creeps closer to me with a grin on his face.

"Oh don't be such a baby, Ri." Tommy laughs, carrying on towards me.

"Leave her be, Tommy." Billy tells him, firmly. "She doesn't like it."

Before I can run away, Tommy sprints forward and throws the spider onto me.

I let out an incredibly loud scream, and start sobbing as I hit the spider off me frantically.

"Tommy!" I yell out between sobs, jumping up and down to make sure the spider was gone.

"Mommy!" I scream, running back into the house, where Mommy was making lunch.

I run into the house sobbing, and see that Mommy was already about to make her way outside, obviously having heard my screams.

"What is it, baby?" Mommy asks, a look of concern on her face as I run into her arms, crying hysterically to be picked up.

Mommy quickly lifts me into her arms, and I sob into her chest, the feeling of the spider on me still present.

"Tommy threw a spider at me!" I get out in between sobs, clutching onto Mommy tightly as she comforts me.

"Oh baby..." Mommy coos, bouncing me up and down, as I hear Daddy run into the kitchen.

Mommy explains to him what happened over my sobs, and they both go outside to where Billy and Tommy still were.

"Tommy!" Daddy snaps. "Did you throw a spider at your sister?!"

"Yes..." Tommy replies sheepishly.

"You know Riley doesn't like spiders! That was a vile thing to do!" Mommy yells, as my crying increases so I'm struggling for air.

"Go to your room and put all of your electronics outside! You are in so much trouble young man!" Daddy shouts.

I find it harder to gasp for breath, so I move my head from Mommy's chest so I can try to get more air in my lungs.

(Wanda's POV)

"Go to your room and put all of your electronics outside! You are in so much trouble young man!" Vision shouts at Tommy, who was staring at the floor feeling sorry for himself as he should. He knows Riley had extreme arachnophobia.

I notice that Riley was struggling for air, as she pulls her head from my chest, her sobs as loud as ever.

"Hey, baby. Can you copy my breathing, sweetheart?" I prompt, exaggerating my breaths slightly for Riley to follow, but she's in too much of a hysteric.

I shoot Vision a nervous look, as Riley continues to gasp for air despite my efforts.

"Your okay, baby. It's just Mommy..." I coo, walking quickly back into the house, and into the kitchen.

I try to put Riley on the counter, but this makes her cry even harder, so much so that she starts gagging from the intense crying.

"Ri-Ri, your gonna make yourself sick." I tell her gently, as I pace up and down the room, trying everything to soothe my upset child.

"Mommy!" Riley gasps out in between gags and cries. "Can't breathe!"

My panic starts to increase slightly, as she doesn't seem to be calming down.

I bring Riley's face away from my chest and gently blow on her face, telling her to do the same to me.

It takes a good few minutes, but Riley's sobs and gags eventually lessen out and she's just left with a few hiccuping cries.

"There we go..." I coo, letting her exhausted body crash back into mine.

"I didn't like the spider, Mommy..." Her voice cracks slightly as she talks.

I hold her tighter, kissing the top of her head and moving the wet strands of hair from her tear stained face.

"I know you didn't, Ri-Ri. That was very mean of Tommy to throw it at you, wasn't it?"

She nods in agreement, flinching slightly as footsteps are heard coming into the kitchen.

I look up to see my husband looking at Riley with a worried expression.

I gently pass her over to Vis, who holds her gently in his arms, as she slowly starts to drift to sleep from pure exhaustion.

We wait in silence until Riley's breaths even out, signalling that she had thankfully fallen asleep.

"Have you told Tommy off?" I whisper quietly, careful not to wake up Ri.

"Yes. He's grounded for a week, and no desert." Vision tells me quietly, running his hand up and down Riley's back.

I take a deep shuddery breath, putting my head in my hands. "God I felt so helpless. I hate seeing them so upset."

Vision walks over and places a hand on my back gently. "So do I. But you handled it really well, darling."

I smile at my perfect husband, lifting my head to give him a peck on the lips.

"Maybe put Riley on the couch, and leave her to sleep for an hour or two?" I suggest, knowing that all that crying must have tired her out.

Vision nods in agreement, gently padding into the living room. and laying Riley on the couch with a blanket over her.

I hear a smaller set of footsteps coming into the kitchen, and I look to see Billy with a worried look on his face.

"Is Riley okay?" He asks me quietly.

I smile at the care he has for his little sister, and open my arms to give Billy a hug.

"Riley's fine. She's having a little nap on the couch." I explain to him.

Billy nods, pulling away from the hug. "Can I go and sit with her to make sure she's okay?" He asks.

The love that Billy has for his sister is the most adorable thing ever. "Of course, sweetheart. Just be careful not to make too much noise, as I don't think she will be too happy when she wakes up."

Billy nods with a smile, quietly running into the living room and putting on his headphones as he sits near Riley's sleeping figure on the couch.

Vision ruffles Billy's hair as he walks past him to join me back in the kitchen.

"I look forward to the day that Riley is bigger, so she can beat her brothers up when they do stuff like this to her." I jokingly admit to Vision, who chuckles.

"Well if she's anything like her Mom, then Riley will be the strongest woman on the planet."

Cute! Cute! Cuteeeee! Hope you all enjoyed!

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