papriksh (wm)

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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Also this is gonna be a chapter in my 'Innocent' book again, but I just have little motivation for this story. Sorryyyy. Also as a side note, Wanda and Vision ARE dating in my version of this

Riley is 1 1/2


"Come on, baby." Wanda lifts her daughter into her arms. "Let's go see what Daddy's doing."

Riley giggles, weaving her fingers into her Mom's hair as she walks to the common room where FRIDAY said Vision was.

"Ri, that hurts." Wanda winces as Riley pulls hard on a piece of hair, so detangles the baby's fingers from her long brown hair.

"No it don't." Riley huffs, pouting.

"Yes it does." Wanda lets out a chuckle. "It hurts when you pull Mama's hair."

"Daddy don have air." Riley points out as Wanda turns into another corridor.

Wanda laughs at her daughters observations. "No, he doesn't. So you can touch his head all you want."

As soon as she walks into the kitchen, a familiar smell hits her nose.

"Is that paprikash?" She asks, smiling at the comforting smell.

"I thought it might lift your spirits." Vision tells his girlfriend kindly, making her chuckle.

"Daddy..." Riley makes grabby hands at her Dad, who takes his daughter from Wanda's arms.

"And how are you today, sweetheart?" Vision asks Riley, who giggles through her pacifier.

"Goo. Mama pway wif my toys wif me." She answers in broken English, but both her parents understood her perfectly.

"Is that so?" Vision smiles at the girl, watching with hopeful eyes as his girlfriend tastes the Paprikash.

Wanda smiles, nodding at the... unusual taste. "Spirits lifted."

"In my defence I haven't actually ever eaten anything before, so..." Vision trails off, swaying backwards and forwards slightly to amuse Riley.

"May I, sweetheart?" Wanda offers, nodding towards the pot.

"Please, darling." Vision steps away from his girlfriend as she starts sniffing different spices.

"Hungy." Riley whines, making grabby hands at her Mom, as Vision walks around the other side of the counter.

"Mama will feed you in a bit, Ri-Ri." Wanda promises her daughter, as it was the morning so Riley wasn't having solid food until lunch.

"Wanda." Vision suddenly starts.

Wanda hums in acknowledgment.

"No one dislikes you, Wanda." He tells his girlfriend, catching Riley's pacifier with one hand and handing it back to her, as it falls out of her mouth.

Wanda tilts her head and furrows her eyebrows in slight confusion. "Thanks..." She smiles, unsure where this conversation was going.

"Oh your welcome, sweetheart." Vision brushes of the thanks. "No, it's an involuntary response in their amygdala, they can't help but be afraid of you."

"Are you?" Wanda asks her boyfriend, hiding her nervousness at his answer with a smile.

"My amygdala is synthetic, so..." He jokes, sitting Riley gently on the counter and standing in front of her so she doesn't fall off.

Wanda let's out a real laugh, scooping some Paprikash onto her finger and removing Riley's pacifier, before putting the food into her mouth.

The one year old clicks her tongue for a few seconds, before giggling and clapping her hands.

"Well, your daughter likes your attempt at cooking." Wanda smiles at her boyfriend who is looking at Riley in adoration.

"I used to think of myself one way." Wanda suddenly continues their previous conversation, after getting distracted by her daughter.

"But after this..." Wanda makes a small ball of magic in her hands. "I am something else. I'm still me, I think... But, that's not what everyone else sees."

As soon as Riley sees her Mom's powers appear, she crawls over the counter and reaches out to grab the red, which tickles her fingers slightly.

"I'm glad she doesn't see me any different, but then again she's never known anything different." Wanda looks at Riley with a soft smile, who was entranced at the red wisps.

"You know I don't know what this is. Not really." Vision interjects, gesturing to the glowing, yellow stone in his forehead.

Wanda pauses her cooking, and directs her attention to her boyfriend.

"I know it's not of this world." He continues. "And it powered Loki's staff, and gave you your abilities, but... It's true nature is a mystery. And yet it is part of me."

Wanda listens to the android closely, bringing her daughter onto her hip as she starts to fuss about.

"Are you afraid of it?" Wanda asks, unsure on his feeling towards the power source.

"I wish to understand it." Vision corrects, gently. "The more I do, the less it controls me. One day... who knows? I may even control it."

Wanda nods in understanding, breaking out of her thoughts when Riley begins tugging on her Mom's dress again, nearly exposing her bra to Vision, which to be honest she wouldn't mind to much as they do have a kid together...

"Mamaaaa!" Riley whines, wanting to nurse.

"In a second, baby." Wanda assures her daughter, removing her tiny hands from her dress.

"I don't know what's in this." She points to the pot. "But it is not, paprika." She jokes, smiling at her boyfriends embarrassment.

"Sorry, darling." He apologises, embarrassed that his attempt to make Wanda a meal failed.

"It's fine." Wanda brushes him off, with a peck on the lips. "I'm gonna feed Riley and then go to the store." She announces, walking away from the stove to go to her room where no one would walk in to.

She jumps slightly when Vision phases in front of her, preventing her from leaving the kitchen area.

"Alternatively you could feed Riley here, and we could order pizza." Vision suggests, but Wanda can see the guilt seeping through his features.

"Vision, are you not letting me leave?" She asks, already knowing the answer to the question.

"It is a question of safety, darling." He replies, placing a hand on Wanda's cheek and the other brushing Riley's baby hair.

"I can protect myself, Vis. And Riley." Wanda assures her boyfriend, making to walk past him again as Riley continues to whine for her milk.

"Not yours." Vision places a hand on Wanda's free arm as her face falls.

"Mr Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident, until the Accords are on a more secure foundation." He tells her apologetically. "I'm sorry, darling."

Wanda stands there in slight shock, shushing her daughter as Riley fusses and cries.

"And what do you want?" She asks Vision, slightly coldly.

"For people to see you... as me and Riley do." He answers, softly.

Wanda stares at him for a few seconds, before pushing his hand away. "I'm going to feed our daughter." She announces, striding off to her bedroom, leaving her boyfriend standing in the kitchen, feeling guilty.

Wanda tries to hold back tears as she walks briskly to her room, shutting the door behind her and quickly situating herself on the bed.

"Mama!" Riley whines, pulling down the top of her Mom's dress harshly.

"I know, baby... I know..." Wanda mutters, quickly taking off her bra and letting Riley latch on eagerly.

Wanda zones out as she holds her daughter, worrying about the accords, and what was going to happen to the avengers. But most importantly. What was going to happen to her family...

Hope that was decent for you all!

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