apologetic (wm)

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This is a squeal to 'brothers are dicks' so go read that chapter first to understand this one. Ty for helping me come up with this idea Queen-of_cards and I hope you all enjoy!

Riley is 7
Billy and Tommy are 15


As I run up the stairs to go to my room, I can't help but still feel sad about how mean my brothers were to me...

Did they not love me anymore?

I slowly rearrange my toys ready to play with Mommy, but I wanted to play with my brothers, even though they didn't even want to look at me...

I loved playing with Mommy, but Billy and Tommy were more fun to play with as they would turn it into a cool battle and help me make loads of towers out of Lego, and then smash them down!

I let out a sigh and sit on the floor with my legs crossed, staring blankly at the carpet.

I hear Mommy walk into either Billy or Tommy's room, and I hear muffled shouting.

Good. They deserved it for being so mean to me!

After a few minutes, Mommy pushes open my door, her expression happy and light, despite just having been shouting.

"What shall we play then, baby?" Mommy asks me, coming over and kneeling next to my toys.

I point lazily to the tea table I had set up, and pick up my favourite rabbit, holding her close.

"What's wrong, baby? I thought you wanted to play?" Mommy asks, a hint of worry in her voice.

"Wan play with Billy and Tommy..." I tell her, hiding my face in my rabbit.

"There are being meanies at the moment, Ri-Ri." Mommy reasons, brushing my dark brown hair behind my ears.

"Wanna play with themmm!" I whine, falling back dramatically on the floor.

"They don't want to at the moment, Ri." Mommy tells me again, having caught my head with her hand before it hit the floor.

"They don't love me anymore!" I tell her tearily.

"No, no, no, no! Of course they love you Riley! Don't you ever say that!" Mommy pulls me up of the floor and lifts me into her lap.

"Then why don't they wanna play with me anymore?" I huff, folding my arms across my chest.

"Because there teenagers, Riley. And teenagers don't want to play the same things as you do. I'm sure you will be exactly the same when your their age." Mommy kisses the side of my face gently.

"Stupid teenagers..." I mutter, making Mommy chuckle.


I turn my head to the door, where Billy was standing with an apologetic look on his face.

I frown, hiding my head in Mommy's chest. "I don't want to play with you anymore, Billy!"

"I'm really sorry, Ri-Ri..." I hear him say gently.

"You mean it?" I ask, turning to look at my brother.

Billy nods, slowly opening his arms to me.

I grin, jumping off Mommy's lap and running into Billy's arms. He picks me up, swinging me around.

I giggle, happy that Billy was being nice to me again.

"Do you want to play now?" He asks, setting me on the floor.

I nod excitedly, dragging him over to where I had set up my toys.

"I'll leave you two to it then." Mommy smiles, standing up from the carpet and walking out of my room.

Me and Billy play for a while, and as usual Billy makes it really fun!

"Hey, Riley?"

Out of the corner of my eye I see Tommy standing in my doorway.

"I'm really sorry for shouting at you, little sis." He tells me, running his hands through his hair.

"I accept your sorry!" I grin, running over to Tommy, and dragging him over to join in the game.


"Okay, Ri-Ri. Time for bed." Daddy walks in, making me whine.

"Nooooo! I wanna carry on playing!" I protest.

"You can carry on tomorrow, sweetheart." Daddy promises me, gesturing for my brothers to leave.

"Na night, Ri-Ri." Billy gives me a hug, before walking out.

"Nighty Night, hope the bed bugs don't bite."

I laugh at what Tommy said, accepting the hug and watching as both my brothers leave the room.

"Daddyyyy!" I whine, annoyed that he ruined our game.

"Rileyyyy!" He copies my tone, coming over and lifting me up of the floor.

"Come on, get your jamies on." He throws me my pyjamas, and I slowly take off my clothes and put them on.

"Today would be nice, Ri." Daddy tells me, picking up my dirty clothes and throwing them in the laundry basket.

I huff, but speed up the process.

"Into bed we go." Daddy throws me onto my bed, making me shriek with laughter.

"Can Billy and Tommy read me a story, Daddy?" I ask, as he goes to pull one of my books from my bookshelf.

"I'm sure they'd love to, sweetheart." Daddy drops the book I had chosen into my lap, and walks out to go get my brothers.

A few minutes later they both walk into my room, and we all somehow manage to fit onto my single bed.

They take turns in reading, until my eyes start to drop.

I rest my head on Tommy's shoulder, holding Billy's free hand in my own so I knew he was there while I slept.

"Na night, Ri." They both whisper.

"Na night..." I mumble back, before falling into dreamland.

(Wanda's POV)

I haven't heard any noise coming from Riley's room for a while, so I go and check to see if her and the twins are alright.

I gently push open the door, and almost melt at the adorable sight in front of me.

All my kids were in Riley's bed, sound asleep. Riley was in the middle, with her head resting on Tommy's shoulder, and her hand interlocked with Billy's, while the twins each slept with an arm around their sister.

I take out my phone and snap a few pics, setting the best one as my home screen.

God they annoy the shit outta me, but I love them more than anything in the world.

That was so cute! Hope you all enjoyed! Requests are welcome as I'm literally out of ideas for all my books. Help me!

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