on set (eo)

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Another chapter down! Requests are always welcome!

Riley is 6


"You ready to go see Uncle Paul and Auntie Kathy?" Mommy asks me excitedly, as we pull into set.

"Yessss!" I cheer, excited to see everyone.

Mommy was filming at the moment, so I loved to come on set with her and see all my aunties and uncles.

I try to unbuckle my seat belt, but I can't get it undone, causing me to whine.

"Wait a sec, baby." Mommy quickly gets out of the drivers seat and opens my door, leaning over and helping me with my seatbelt.

Once I'm out off the car, I go to run to the trailer park, but Mommy grabs hold off my arm.

"No running off please, Ri." She tells me, grabbing my hand in her own.

"Okay, Mommy." I nod, practically bouncing up and down on the spot.

Me and Mommy go into the big tent where everyone meets in the morning for a chat.

I look around all the people, until I finally see Uncle Paul standing next to the drinks table.

I let go off Mommy's hand and sprint over to the tall man.

"Uncle Paul!" I cheer, making him notice me running towards him.

Once I'm close enough he picks me up and spins me around, making me squeal with delight.

"Hello, Riley!" He laughs, setting me on his hip as I was very small.

"I missed you..." I mumble, wrapping my arms around the blonde.

He chuckles. "You only saw me last week!"

"Still!" I protest, as I hear Mommy walk over and greet Uncle Paul.

"Sorry about that." Mommy apologies, pointing at me.

"It's no problem, Lizzie." Paul smiles, giving Mommy a one armed hug.

I wriggle to be put down, asking Mom if I could go and fine Auntie Kathy.

"I don't think you need to find her." Mommy tells me, with a knowing smirk.

I frown in confusion, before I feel my feet leave my floor and I gasp in surprise.

"Hey, kiddo!" Auntie Kathy kisses my head as I laugh.

She puts me back down so I could hug her properly.

"Nice to know I'm missed." She jokes, saying hi to Mommy and Uncle Paul.

I stay with Auntie Kathy, until Mommy tells me that she has to get her hair and makeup done.

"I come with you." I tell her, reaching out to grab hold of her hoodie.

"Okay, baby." Mommy agrees, saying goodbye to Uncle Paul and Auntie Kathy, before going back to her trailer, letting me keep a hold of her hoodie.

Mommy's makeup lady is already in the trailer when we get there, so I say a shy hello to her, before moving to the couch and putting on the tv while I can see Mommy.

Once Mommy had her wig and makeup on, she goes into the bedroom to get changed, before coming out in her outfit for today, which was dungarees and a checkered shirt. Her hair was also really crazy.

"Mommy you look silly!" I giggle.

Mommy gasps in mock offence, putting her hands on her hips.

"This is what everyone used to wear in the 80's you cheeky monkey."

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