town (eo)

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Something I came up with randomly while watching a toddler scream there head of in a cafe so. Hope you enjoy lmao, sorry Its not something more interesting

Riley is 2


(Lizzie's POV)

"Baby, I need you to sit still so Mama can put your shoes on, please." I tell Riley gently, grabbing her favourite shoes off the shoe rack.

She thankfully sits still as I put her shoes on her little feet, happily pulling bits of my hair out of my messy bun. Oh well.

"All done!" I cheer, making Riley giggle. I quickly pick her up and buckle her into the stroller that Robbie had just set up, clipping her paci onto her coat so she didn't drop it while we were out.

"You got everything, babe?" Robbie asks me as I push the stroller out of the front door, grabbing my handbag.

"Yep, I think so." I tell him, making sure I had everything for Riley, before Robbie closed and locked our front door.

It was currently Autumn and was very cold here in England where we were currently living as I was filming the new Dr Strange movie.

"Mama, gol!" Riley exclaims, pointing at the leaves that were all over the floor.

"That's right baby, they're gold!" I tell the toddler who is straining against the straps to look at all the leaves.

"Dada, onco!" She says excitedly, kicking her legs as Robbie hands her a conker.

"Yeah honey it's a conker!" Robbie laughs at Riley's excitement, which lasted for about 10 seconds, before she threw the conker out of the stroller.

"Bye-Bye..." Riley's waves after she's thrown it away.

I snort, biting my lip to stop myself from laughing as we make our way into town.


"Bored, Mama!" Riley shouts, as we look through some clothes in a shop.

"Here, honey." I pass her one of her stuffed animals in hope to keep her occupied.

"No wan Bibi, I wan Nookie!" She whines, throwing the toy horse onto the floor.

"Hey!" I scold. "We don't throw things!"

Riley just frowns at me, which I must admit was adorable.

Before I can talk to Riley about throwing things, Robbie takes Nookie the toy bunny out of the stroller and hands it to her.

"Robbie!" I shout at my husband. "You can't always give her everything she asks for!"

"Chill out Liz, it's not like I'm buying her a toy shop." He defends, picking up the discarded horse and putting it back in the bag.

I shoot him a glare, continuing to look through some shirts.

I hold out a shirt to look at it properly, when suddenly it's ripped out of my hands.

I look down to see Riley gripping onto the shirt, giggling madly.

"Hey missy, we don't snatch! Stop being naughty." I pick the shirt back up and put it back on the rail.


While Robbie orders our food at the cafe I find us a seat and decide to take Riley out of the stroller for a bit, so I lift her out and set her onto my lap.

Riley stands up on my lap and turns around, putting her hands on different parts of my face.

"That's Mama's eyes." I tell her as she pokes my closed eye.

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