hydra's experiments (wm)

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Thanks for the request Elizabeth0lsensWife I'm sorry it took so long but I took a break from writing due to various mental health problems. I should be back to slightly more normal updates now though as I feel like writing helps me slightly. Enjoyyyy!!

Riley is 2


I did not like it here one bit! The men were really mean and they always yelled at me for everything! They even sometimes hurt me...

I have been in this big building my whole life and I don't remember one person who's ever been nice to me...

I used to have a lady who took care of me when I was a baby. She used to feed me and change me and stuff like that. But she was never nice... always mean and yelling.

Every week they take me into a room and I stick needles into my arms and legs which always hurts so much, but no one is there to hear my screams...


(Wanda's POV)

Agreeing to join HYDRA was definitely the the worst decision of our lives.

We were desperate for food and shelter so we took the man up on his offer as he promised all of those things, and I suppose he wasn't lying...

We were fed... sometimes. And there was definitely shelter from the rain, but not from the cold...

A few months ago, me and my twin brother had gotten powers from some weird gem which I later learned was called the 'Mind Stone' whatever that means.

We were getting to grips with our powers under the strict instruction of Strucker. Pietro was no longer running into walls, and I was able to control my powers a lot better instead of them just exploding whenever I flicked my hand the wrong way.

We had gained enough trust from the guards that we were allowed to roam around the facility un guarded, so I was no longer separated from my twin.

Pietro was holding onto my hand tightly as we wandered around the base aimlessly, finding ourselves going down a route we hadn't been down before.

As we walk further, I start to hear a noise down the end of the corridor. They sounded like... cries.

I look to Pietro to see if I'm hearing things, but he's also stopped walking and is frowning at the sound in confusion.

"Those cries sound like they are from a child..." I tell him, slowly carrying on down the hallway.

"Wanda be careful." My brother warns, following after me. "It could be a trap..."

We both cautiously walk down the hallway until we reach the end where there is a cell located.

In the back of a cell there is a tiny girl who looks around 2 dressed in an old HYDRA gown, sobbing her little eyes out.

I let out a small gasp of shock. They we're experimenting on children so young...

"She's so tiny..." Pietro whispers, as I gaze at the small girl with tears in my eyes.

Eventually she must sense our presence, because she looks up with fear in her eyes.

Before she can panic, I try the door, which was surprisingly open, and slowly walk inside with my hands outstretched to show her that I'm not a threat.

"I'm sowy!" The little girl sobs in Sokovian. "I'm weally sowy, pwease don't hurt me!!"

My heart breaks even more at her words. She had no one to love her and care for her at such a young age... at least I had my twin while in here... but she has no one.

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