premiere (eo)

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This idea just popped into my head as the footage of Lizzie at the MoM premiere is so cute and honestly gives me life. Also ty for all the love on this story, I love all of you sm! Hope you enjoy!

Riley is 5


"You ready to go, baby?" Lizzie asks her daughter, who was dressed in a cute light pink dress with some white Mary Janes on her feet.

"Yes, Mommy!" Riley bounced up and down in her seat excitedly, as they pulled up to the premiere of Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.

"You've got to stay with Mommy all the time, baby. I don't want you getting lost." Lizzie unbuckles her seatbelt, looking at her excited daughter.

Riley LOVED going to premieres with her Mom, she loved being the centre of attention and loved all the pretty pictures she got.

"I know, Mommy." Riley assures her, trying to peer out of the window.

Lizzie pecks Riley on the forehead, getting some lipstick on her, which she quickly wipes off with a laugh, before stepping out of the car to hear the screaming fans.

Lizzie waves to the fans as she goes around to the other side of the car, opening the door and lifting Riley out, earning an aww from everyone.

Riley smiles and waves at all the cameras like a true professional as her Mom carries her onto the red carpet, where the rest of the cast were.

"You okay, baby?" Lizzie asks her daughter quietly, who nods excitedly, wriggling to be put down.

Once Riley was on the floor, photographers start shouting at the girl to pose, which she does, pulling all types of cute poses while the fans aww at her adorableness.

Riley sees her Mom busy taking pictures, so looks around for someone she knows.

She eventually catches sight of Xochitl Gomez talking to an interviewer, so the little girl runes over to the 16 year old, giggling.

"Zo-Zo!" Riley cheers, making Xochitl turn her head towards the girl.

"Ri-Ri!" Xochitl bends down and opens her arms for Riley to fall into, giving the girl a huge hug.

"Look how big you've gotten!" Xochitl stands up with Riley in her arms, smiling at the 5 year old.

"I'm five now!" Riley cheers, holding up 5 fingers.

"Five?! Oh my god you're growing up so fast!" Xochitl kisses Riley's forehead gently, before turning back to the interviewer.

"And here we have the daughter of Elizabeth Olsen, Riley." The interviewing introduces, making Riley giggle.

"Hiii!" Riley waves at the camera cutely, making everyone coo at the girl.

"What's it like having your Mommy as the Scarlet Witch?" The interviewer asks Riley.

"She's really cool, and fight lots of bad guys!" Riley cheers, making everyone laugh.

"And what is it like being around Xochitl?" The woman asks.

Riley thinks for a moment. "Zo-Zo smelly." She replies, cheekily.

Xochitl gasps in mock offence and pokes the girls stomach. "You cheeky little monkey!"

I loud cheer in heard and Riley turns her head to see her Mom walking over to them.

"Mommy!" Riley cheers, throwing herself into her Mom's arms.

"Jesus, Riley. Calm down, baby. I don't want to drop you." Lizzie laughs, settling her on her hip.

"Hi, Xochitl you look amazing!" Lizzie greets the girl, pulling her in for a one armed hug.

"And we are now joined by Elizabeth Olsen everybody!" The interview laughs, greeting Lizzie.

(Riley's POV)

I was looking around and waving at everyone while Mommy and Zo-Zo talked to the lady.

I look over Mommy's shoulder and see Uncle Benny walking over to us.

"Uncle Benny!" I cheer, getting the attention of Mommy and Zo-Zo as they turn to see Benedict.

"Hey, Riley Ziley!" He greets excitedly, ruffling my hair which made me giggle.

"Don't even think about messing up her hair, so you know how long it took me to brush it." Mommy glares at Benny, who holds his hands up in mock surrender.

They talk for a while, until Mommy carries on walking down the carpet, taking pictures and talking to more people.

I start to get tired, so while Mommy was taking pictures I go over and tug on her pant leg, whining.

"Upppp!" I make grabby hands at her, until she picks me off the ground, letting me rest my head on her chest.

I feel myself dropping off to sleep as Mommy rubs my back, and the next thing I know, I'm being lifted into a car seat.

The screaming of the fans was starting to annoy me, and I didn't want to go in the stupid chair. So I whine and arch my back, not letting Mommy strap me in.

"Riley, stay still baby." Mommy encourages softly, pushing my chest down into the seat.

"No chair, Mommy!" I protest, letting a few fake tears fall down my face.

"Enough with the crocodile tears." Mommy warns, pinning me into the chair and strapping me in.

I scream and kick my legs, just wanting Mommy to hold me.

"Mommy! You! Want you!" I cry, as Mommy shuts the car door, waving to fans as she walks around the other side to get in.

I carry on screaming as Mommy gets into the car next to me, shutting the door so the windows go dark.

"Stop screaming, Riley. Your being silly." Mommy tells me firmly, as the driver starts driving towards our hotel.

"Want you, Mommy!" I sob, reaching out for Mommy to hold me.

"You can have me as soon as we get back baby. I can't hold you right now as you need to stay in your chair." Mommy moves into the middle seat, so she was right next to me, holding my hand and stroking my hair gently.

"What happened baby, you were having such a nice time?" She asks, shushing me as my sobs continue.

"Ad nough!" I kick my legs against the seat, angrily.

"You had enough, okay sweetheart." Mommy rubs my thigh in an attempt to calm me down.

"We're nearly back baby, I promise. Then you can have all the cuddles you want." Mommy promises me.

(Lizzie's POV)

I wish I could comfort my daughter, but we were nearly back at the hotel, so I settled for stroking her long hair, and holding her small hand while she cried for me to pick her up.

As soon as the driver had pulled up outside the hotel, I thank him and quickly get out of the car, going round to Riley's side.

I open the door, immediately unbuckling the over tired girl and taking her into my arms, bouncing her gently as I walk into our hotel.

"Sh sh sh. Your okay baby." I shush her gently, swiftly making my way up to our room after waving with my free hand to the receptionist.

"I think someone's a bit overtired." I open the door to our room and quickly go into the bathroom so I could remove my makeup.

I someone manage to take my makeup of and change into some comfier clothes, with Riley attached to my hip.

After I'm dressed, I quickly get Riley changed, before walking over to the bed and laying down, with Riley lying on top of me.

"Go to sleep baby." I soothe, rubbing my hand up and down her back until she is lulled into a deep sleep.

Cute one for yall that popped into my mind. Also over 100 read in one day?! You guys are amazing! Love you all sm!

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