higher than the empire state (eo)

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I love being high. So I made a chapter about it. Enjoy

Riley is 15


"Mommmmm?" I whine, walking down the stairs after being up in my room all morning.

"What is it honey?" Mom asks, looking up from the chopping board where she was cutting up some fruit.

"Can I go to Benji's?" I ask, leaning my arms on the kitchen counter. "Pleaseeee."

"Yes of course you can baby." She replies, giving me a smile.

Now for the hard part.

"Yay! Thank youuu!" I run around the counter and give her a hug, which she happily returns. "And can I please bring some alcohol? I promise we won't get really drunk!"

I carefully watch Mom's reaction as she sighs. "Fine." She agrees reluctantly. "But only a few cans of cider. I mean it Riley, I don't want you getting drunk."

"Thank you Mamaaaa!" I peck Mom's cheek before going into the cupboard and getting out a box of 4 ciders. For now. And then running back off upstairs to get ready.


Once I was dressed and ready I make my way quietly back downstairs and to my relief there's no one in the kitchen.

I creep over to the alcohol cupboard and spot a bottle of vodka, which I quickly grab before running back upstairs to hide it in my bag.

This is gonna be a fun day.

I go back to my room and get my bag, then run back downstairs. "MOM CAN YOU DROP ME AT BENJI'S!!" I yell into the garden.

"Coming baby!" I see Mom emerge from behind the garden shed, taking off her gardening gloves.

"Hurry uppppp!" I whine as she walks around trying to find her car keys.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Mom finds the keys and we both go out to the car.


"Right. Promise you won't get drunk?" Mom asks as she pulls up outside of Benji's house.

I roll my eyes. "I promise." Oops she's gonna be mad later... it's fine she won't know.

"I'm trusting you with this one Ri." She warns as I get out of the car.

"I know! I know!" I wave goodbye and wait for Mom to drive off before running up to the door and knocking.

My friend El opens the door and I grin, holding up my bag. "I got the drinks."


A few hours later and it's safe to say I'm a little bit tipsy!

Ok by a little I mean a lot...

"WHERE ARE THE FUCKING STRAWBERRIES?!?!?!!" I yell, stumbling over to the garden table to find my favourite fruit.

"I think El ate the last one." Izzy giggles drunkly, nearly falling over a chair.

"ELLIOTTTT!!" I yell, drunkenly stumbling over to him and practically using him to help me stand up. "YOU ATE MY FUCKING STRAWBERRIES YOU DICK HEAD!!"

Elliot laughs, holding me up. "Sorry Ri, didn't know they were YOUR strawberries."

I pout, putting on my series face and pointing at him. "The only way I will like you again is if you give me that pinger that's in your back pocket." I bargin.

El shrugs. "Sure. Take it little miss druggy." He hands me the little bag and I cheer.

"I GOT THE DRUGS!!" I exclaim proudly, holding it up in the air.

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