it's beginning to look a lot like christmas (wm)

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I'm very aware that this timeline makes no sense whatsoever but who cares? Hope you all enjoy!

Riley is 6
Billy and Tommy are 10
Lila is 6
Cooper is 10
Nate is 2


I wake up super early and immediately jump out of bed and run next door into Mama and Daddy's room.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" I yell excitedly, climbing up onto their bed, and jumping on top of Daddy. "Get up, get up!! Santa came!!"

"Riley honey, it's 5 in the morning..." Mama groans, pulling me off the now awake Dad, and holding me in a hug.

"But Mama, it's Christmas!!" I protest, trying to wiggle out of her grip.

"Well, why don't we have a bit more sleep so you are all rested up for presents?" Daddy asks, laying down next to me and Mama.

I think for a moment, before letting out a yawn, my tiredness getting the better off me. "Okay..." I sigh, snuggling up under the covers next to Mama, who uses her powers to turn off the hall light, which I had turned on.

"Na night, Ri-Ri..." Mommy rubs my back softly, which almost immediately sends me back to sleep.


The next time I wake up, Mama was already sitting up with a cup of tea, and Daddy was reading a book while my older brothers sat on the end of the bed of their iPad's.

"Good morning, baby!" Mama smiles, putting her tea on the bedside table, and lifting me up onto her lap.

I immediately wriggle out of her grip, too excited for cuddles at the moment! "Mama presents!!"

"Yeah Mom, let's go!" Tommy cheers, him and Billy sliding off the big bed, and leaving their iPad's.

"Okay you three go get your presents and bring them up here then." Mama smiles. "I think Santa left them in the living room."

Me and my brothers immediately sprint down the stairs into the living room, and gasp at the sight of our stockings overflowing with presents!!

"Santa came!!" I squeal, running over to the stocking with my name on it.

"Yeah!!" Billy cheers, running over to his own stocking.

"Come on let's bring them upstairs so we can open them!" Tommy tells us, starting to drag his stocking and a huge present that was next to it, up the stairs.

"Wait for me!" Billy shouts, grabbing his own stocking and following his twin.

"I coming too!!" I try to drag my stocking upstairs, but it was way to heavy for me.

I let out a huff. "Daddy!!" I yell up the stairs.

"I'm coming princess!" He shouts back, and a few seconds later he appears at the bottom of the stairs in his Christmas pyjamas that we all made him wear as everyone had matching ones.

"Too heavy!!" I whine, pointing towards my stocking which was overflowing with red wrapping paper.

Me and my brothers always had different colour wrapping paper. This year I had red, Billy had blue, and Tommy had green.

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