film star parents (eo)

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This is based on the fact that Lizzie and Pedro Pascel are literally my parents and no one can convince me otherwise. Also that fact they presented together at the Oscar's made me SO HAPPY. My two favsss. Anyways so in this one-shot Riley is Lizzie's and Pedro's kid to heal my touch deprived heart. Bye bye Robbie!! Also the other language I include is Spanish as Pedro is from Chile, so I apologise to any Spanish people reading

Riley is 12


"Mama you and Papa are all over my TikTok page and it's starting to piss me off!" I shout into the kitchen as I walk downstairs, only half looking at where I was going.

"Why baby? I'm not on Tik Tok and neither is your Papa." She tells me in confusion, walking into the living room.

"Oh my goddddd!" I groan, face planting into the couch. Why can't my Mom understand the simple concept of social media?! "People edit you guys Mama! Like fans and things."

"Ohhh! Yes I remember! Well I can't really do anything to help that sweetheart." Mama chuckles, taking my phone and placing it on the coffee table beside the couch. "You could read a book instead?"

I sit up and make a face at her. "A book?"

She rolls her eyes. "It was only an offer! Why don't you go and help your Papa attempt to fix the car?"

"Mom you're both like hella rich. Can't you afford to go and get the car fixed by someone who actually knows what they're doing?" I question, having already heard loud crashing and banging from the garage this morning.

"Pedro does know what he's doing!" Mom quickly defends. "Sometimes."

I giggle, rolling off the couch. "I'll go check he's not been flattened."

"Thank you baby." Mama places a kiss on the top of my head before going back into the kitchen to continue making lunch.

I make my way through to the garage where I could already hear someone cursing loudly.

"Papa?" I call, walking round the side of the house so I could see him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Yeah baby, I'm absolutely fine!" He shouts back in a slightly strained voice, pushing himself out from under the car with oil all over his hands.

"Mmh hmm. You fixed the car yet? I wanna make it to my friends tomorrow without it breaking down." I joke, eyeing the car tyre that was just chilling in the middle of the garage floor.

"It will be up and ready to go by tomorrow sweetheart. Don't you worry." Papa assures me, wiping his hands on and old cloth. "Your Mama got lunch ready yet? I'm starvingggg!"

"Eat much more and you'll be the fat Mandalorian instead of the dad Mandalorian." I giggle, stopping myself from falling over as Papa playfully pushes me into the wall.

He puts on a fake offended face. "Cuidado chango!" (watch it monkey!)

Before I can protest he leans over and grabs my small frame, lifting me up so I was slug over his shoulder.

"Ahhh! Papa!!" I shriek, holding on around his waist so I didn't fall.

"I'm not gonna drop you, baby girl!" He chuckles, walking inside with me over his shoulder, being careful not to knock me on any doorways.

"Mamaaaa! Helpppp!" I beg my Mom who was dishing up our lunch onto plates.

She looks up from the salad bowl and puts her hands on her hips jokingly. "Pedro! What have I told you about bringing wild animals into our house?!"

I gasp in offence. "I'm not a wild animal!!"

"Sorry, babe. Found this one on the side of the road and she was ESPECIALLY cute!" Papa drops me down onto the sofa and tickles my stomach, making me howl with laughter.

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