working hours (jb)

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Someone requested one with Jane Banner from Wind River soooo even though this is Lizzie and Wanda I decided to do it anyways lmao so thank you to EveAngela9 for this request!

Riley is 5


Mommy was finally taking a week of work to spend time with me and Daddy this week, so I was super excited!

I love spending time with Daddy, but Mommy is never home as she works as a special police officer in the FBI or something like that.

I obviously love Mommy and want her to have a job that makes her happy, but she's ALWAYS working and I barely see her anymore as she gets home late and leaves early, she hasn't taken a holiday in forever, so I'm glad I get to spend the wholeeeeee week with her!

"Morning baby!" Mommy walks into my room, kissing my head gently. "Your awake early."

I just hum in response, leaning into Mommy as I try to wake up a bit more. "Forgot you didn't have to go early..." I mumble, used to trying to wake up early so I could see Mommy before she went to work.

"Oh, sweetheart..." Mommy pulls me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry. But at least you now get a whole week with Mommy!"

I can't help but smile as she says it out loud. "No work?" I confirm, holding out my pinkie finger.

"No work." Mommy confirms, linking her pinkie with mine and kissing my nose.

"Let's go see what Daddy's making for breakfast shall we?" Mommy asks, standing up from my bed.

She holds out her hand for me to take, but I just make grabby hands at her.

"Alright, alright..." Mommy smiles as she picks me up and I lay my head on her shoulder sleepily.

Mommy carries me downstairs and into our little kitchen, where Daddy was making something that smelled really good.

"The princess is awake." Daddy smiles, walking over and kissing my head, before kissing Mommy on the lips.

"Ewwwww!" I make a grossed out face, pushing Daddy's face away, making Mommy laugh. "My Mommy..." I defend, hugging her tightly.

"She's my wife you cheeky girl." Daddy pokes my side teasingly, before going back to cooking.

I sit with Mommy on the couch as we wait for breakfast, but while we're waiting I hear Mommy's phone ring. Who could be calling her at this time in the morning?

Mommy quickly shuffles me onto the couch and gets up to answer the call in the other room so I couldn't hear what she was saying.

She said she had the week off work... right?

A few minutes later Mommy walks back in with a sorry expression on her face, so I immediately know what the call was about.

"Your leaving me gen..." I tell her bluntly.

"I'm so sorry baby, but it's urgent and I'm the closest Agent to the scene-" She starts, but I cut her off.

"You promised!!" I yell, tears falling down my face. "You promised..."

"Honey I am so SO sorry..." Mommy walks over towards the couch to presumably hug me, but I move away from her touch, curling up in a ball.

"Go away!!" I shout, trying to muffle my sobs.

"Baby..." Mommy tries to put a hand on my shoulder, but I shove her off.

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