bad day (wm)

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Heyyyy hope you guys enjoy this chapter, also I promise I will get around to requests soon, but atm I'm just writing off my own mind as I have little motivation atm

Riley is 14


I dive into the passenger seat of my Mom's car, slamming the door behind me and throwing my backpack into the footwell.

"You okay, sweetheart?" Mom asks, looking at me with worry.

"I'm fine." I snap, putting my headphones in, not wanting to talk to anyone right now.

"Oooo, someone's grumpyyy..." Tommy teases from the back.

I turn and stretch my arm out to try and hit him. "Shut up, you little shitbag!"

"Riley! Stop it!" Mom scolds, annoying me further. I really don't need this right now.

I turn back around in my seat, putting my music on full blast until we pull into our drive.

As soon as the car had stopped, I grab my bag and open the car door, running into the house, ignoring my Mom calling after me.

I immediately kick my shoes off, and throw them next to the shoe rack, ignoring my Dad completely, as he asks if I had a good day.

Does it fucking look like I've had a good day?

I run up to my room, chucking my backpack on my bedroom floor, then slamming my door behind me and collapsing on my bed, letting a few tears escape from my eyes.

I'm so sick and tired of school. I have no friends, and I'm bullied constantly. I'm so fucking sick of it!

I can normally put up with it, but the girls started insulting my lingering Sokovian accent and the way my skirt looked.

It sounds petty, but I just can't fucking deal with it anymore!

I reach into my bedside draw, tears streaming down my face as I pull out one of my vapes, taking a long puff and sighing with relief.

Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I vaped, but it's the only way I can relax after a shitty day of hell.

I let silent tears fall down my face as I smoke my worries away, creating a strong smell around my bedroom.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, so with practiced ease, I waft away the remaining smoke, and spray some perfume to mask the smell, before shoving the vape back into it's draw and curling up with my pillow.

I hear my door open, and I scowl, knowing immediately who it was.

"It's a human decency to knock." I tell my Mom sarcastically, still facing the wall.

"What's wrong, Riley?" Mom asks, getting straight to the point.

I don't reply. I don't want to talk to her right now.

"Go away." I snap, curling further into my pillow.

I feel the bed dip behind me, before I can hear someone sniffing the air. Oh shit.

"It smells weird in here, Ri." Mom comments.

I internally panic. "It's just a candle. Go away, Mom."

"Can you stop acting like a toddler, and actually have an adult conversation with me please?" Mom asks, her voice slightly firmer.

"I'm not acting like a toddler!" I protest, turning to face her. "Fucking leave me alone!" I jump off my bed, throwing a pillow her, as I run out off my room to get away from the questioning.

I sprint down the stairs and through the living room, Mom hot on my heels.

"Someone's in trouble..." I hear Tommy snicker, which makes me loose it.

"SHUT THE HELL UP TOMMY!" I scream at the boy, using my powers to throw a book at him.

"Riley!" Dads voice scolds, running over to Tommy, who was clutching his head while Billy comforted him.

"Sweetheart, you need to calm down." Mom tells me, slowly walking towards me like I was some wild animal.

"NO, YOU ALL NEED TO LEAVE ME ALONE AS YOU CLEARLY DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT ME ANYWAY!" I let all my pent up anger out, tears starting once again to fall down my pale cheeks.

The room is silent, so I take that time to descend into sobs, running back up to my bedroom.

Once I'm in my room, I feel a burst of energy come over me and my powers take over. I scream, throwing things about in anger, covering my bedroom floor with books and clothes.

My anger eventually turns into sadness, and I break down in the middle of my room, falling to my knees.

I vaguely hear hurried footsteps up the stairs, until I register two pairs of arms being wrapped around me.

I don't need to look to know it's Mom and Dad.

I fall into the person on my rights arms, which just happened to be Dad.

He holds me tightly as I cry out all my bottled up emotions, as Mom rubs her hand along my back, soothingly.

I manage to regain my cries into control, leaving me gasping for air.

I move out of my Dad's arms and fall into Mom's, letting her hold me.

"Your okay, baby. Your okay..." She whispers, kissing my forehead as she holds me in her lap like a child.

"I'm sorry!" I sob, apologising to both of them for the damage.

"It's not your fault, sweetheart." Dad assures me, glancing around my messy room.

"It's nothing that Mama can't fix with her magic." Mom promises me, and with one flick of her wrist, my room was back to normal.

"The people at school are just so mean! And I really tired to not listen! I really did! But I just could help it." My voice was croaky as I explain what happened to my parents.

"We will talk later sweetheart, just calm down." Mom soothes, running her fingers through my hair.

After a few minutes I hear Dad get up and leave the room, leaving me and Mom sitting on my bedroom floor.

"I'm sorry for being rude to you, Mama." I whisper, using the name that I haven't used for years.

"It's okay, baby." Mom uses her thumb to wipe my tear tracks away, kissing my nose lightly.

"But you have to promise me, that from now on you will tell your Father and I when you feel like this. It's not good to bottle up all your emotions." She tells me, gently.

I nod into her chest. "I promise, Mama."

Ahhh that turned out way cuter than I thought it would! Hope you guys enjoy!

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