the cold makes you cranky (eo)

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No clue what this is but I was bored so here you all go. Anyway I'm finally back from camp and very fucking exhausted! My horse was amazing all week and was very sad to leave his new friends bless but we both got back safe. Updates we now continue to be regular although bare with as I am still very tired! Hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Riley is 5


"Mommyyyyy!" I whine, pulling down on my Mama's long, thick winter coat.

"What is it baby?" She asks, turning her attention away from Daddy.

"I'm too cold to walk!" I groan, making grabby hands at her to be picked up.

It was really cold today, but Mommy and Daddy had forced me to go on a walk through the park with them.

I normally love going for walks, but it was too cold, and I didn't like it!

"Your fine, Riley. Stop being overdramatic." Mommy tells me firmly, ignoring my ask to be carried.

I let out a huff of annoyance, stomping my feet on the frosty ground.

"The quicker we go, the quicker we can get back home." Mommy reasons, ignoring my attitude completely.

"Daddy!" I turn to my Daddy, making grabby hands at him.

"Mommy said no, princess." He tells me sympathetically, moving a piece of hair from my face and tucking it behind my ear.

Because no one was listing to what I wanted, I decide to throw a tantrum in the middle of the park.

I start crying and jumping up and down on the spot, begging my parents to pick me up.

"Riley, stop it right now." Mommy tells me strictly.

I don't listen, so instead fall onto my bum, continuing to scream and cry.

"Riley!" Mommy snaps, lifting me up harshly from the ground and setting me back on my feet.

I start hitting Mommy to try and make her let me go, and out of the corner of my eye, I notice people with cameras taking pictures of us again.

"Stop hitting me right now, young lady!" She hisses, grabbing my wrists firmly in her hands, and holding them up so I couldn't fall back on the cold floor.

Mommy and Daddy obviously notice the mean people taking pictures of us too, as I see them glance over towards them with an annoyed expression.

I don't stop crying as Mommy picks me up roughy and sets me on her hip, grabbing Daddy's hand and walking back towards our house.

I wanted to be carried, but this wasn't a nice carry... It was a mean carry.

I'm glad we are going home though. My bum is now all wet from falling onto the floor, and it's making me even more cold!

The people with cameras start following behind us, so I quickly hide my face in Mommy's shoulder. I didn't like the mean picture people, I wanted to go home.

"Mommy make them go away..." I mumble, my voice muffled slightly by her coat.

She doesn't answer me, and instead just quickens her pace along with Daddy, ignoring them and me.

"Mommyyyy!" I whine, hitting my fist lightly on her back, annoyed that I was being ignored.

"Stop hitting me Riley, or you will have no toys for a week." Mommy threatens, making me stop hitting her back very quickly. Why was she being such a meanie?!

I try to curl up into Mommy as much as possible even though I don't like her at the moment, as the cold wind was making my face numb, and there were still a few camera people following us.

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