airport (eo)

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Thank you for 2k reads on this story already! Hope you enjoy this chapter, and I will get round to requests soon!

Riley is 7


"Riley, have you got your shoes on?!" I hear Mama yell from downstairs.

"Yep!" I lie, quickly pulling my trainers on, which I had left out last night.

"Come on, baby." I hear Mama's voice say, and I turn to see her picking up my suitcase and carry on bag. "We still need to get through security."

Me and Mama were going to Atlanta so Mama could film the new avengers movie, but it meant that Daddy had to stay in LA as he had work, so he couldn't come with us.

"I'm tired, Mama!" I whine, following clumsily after her down the stairs.

"You can sleep in the car and on the plane, baby." Mama assures me, putting my suitcase into the boot with her own.

"Where's Bun-Bun?" I ask worriedly, noticing the absence of my favourite toy rabbit.

"She's in your backpack." Mama assures me, locking the front door.

It was very early in the morning, and I wanted nothing more than to go back to bed and sleep.

While Mama activates the security system, I get into the passenger seat, finding Bun-Bun in my backpack leaning my head against the window.

I hear the door open, and see Mama get in and start the car.

Before we leave, Mama picks up a blanket from the back seat, throwing it over me so I was more comfy.

I struggle to keep my eyes open as Mama pulls out onto the streetlight lit street.

Mama softly brushes my hair out of my face, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Go to sleep, Ri." She coos, which was enough to make me fall off into dreamland.


(Lizzie's POV)

I smile at my daughter as she peacefully sleeps through the car journey to the airport. I was so lucky to have her.

After about an hour we arrive at the airport, and I see a few people from my security team ready to help with our bags and any paparazzi.

I thank them quietly as I get out of the car, taking mine and Riley's carry ons, before going round to get Riley.

I had chosen to use a private plane as Riley hated crowds of people, so public flights really stressed her out and they were never enjoyable at all.

I lift Riley slowly out of the car, and she rests her head on my shoulder, snoring lightly.

I follow behind my security team, hoping that there wouldn't be any paparazzi today as it was so early, and I didn't want to wake Riley up.

Unfortunately as we make our way inside, I immediately hear a camera click. My security team must have heard it too, because one of them drops behind to walk next to me and Riley.

The clicks start to get louder as we move through the airport, and people with cameras start to swarm us and shout things at me, despite my security trying to help me through.

Pretty soon there is a large crowd, and I ignore all the shouts and clicks, holding Riley close to my chest as she starts to stir and whine.

I hear a cry, and look down to see Riley awake and clearly scared.

"Guys, your scaring my kid. Can you please just let us through." I ask the paps, but they don't listen, causing Riley to cry even louder.

Out of the corner of my eye I see someone go to grab at me and Riley, but before I can react, my security guy is hitting there hand away.

I shoot him a grateful look, gently shushing Riley as we get closer to security.

My team place our bags down for us, before going to try and fend of the paps.

Riley was full on sobbing at this point, and to be honest I didn't blame her as I would be scared too having just woken up from a nap to people shouting at you and flashing cameras in your face.

"It's okay, sweetheart..." I coo as the staff help me with our bags. "Mama's got you, your okay."

She clutches onto me and Bun-Bun tightly, and I move my sunglasses off my own face to hers, so she was covered slightly from the flashes.

She buries her head back into my chest as we finally make it through security, which the paparazzi luckily aren't aloud to come through.

I wait for my security team to come through the door, and once they do we head to my private plane which I had brought to avoid public interaction when travelling with Riley or family.

Out bags were already loaded on along with our carry ons, so I quickly make my way into the plane with Riley slowly falling back to sleep on my chest.

Sorry that was kinda short and shitty but I had detention again today, so I couldn't be bothered to write anything longer

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