baby sister (wm)

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Someone requested this a while ago, and I can't for the life of me remember who it was, so whoever requested this thank you! I should be back to more regular updates now, and I'm trying to work through all my requests. Hope you all enjoy this chapter, sorry it's a bit shorter than usual

Riley is a newborn
Billy and Tommy are 8


(Wanda's POV)

After a long couple of hours, I was finally holding my baby girl in my arms after nine long months!

She was very small due to her being a few weeks early, but luckily her lungs and heart had fully developed, so she didn't need to go in an incubator.

Vision was sitting on the bed next to, me with a huge smile on his face. "Hi, Riley!" He coos, as she stirs slightly in my arms.

I smile, looking down in adoration at my little girl. "Where are the twins?" I question my husband, as Riley moves her little arms about.

"They are in the waiting room, do want me to go and get them?" He asks, carefully brushing a finger across Riley's head.

"Yes, I'm sure they are very excited to see their new baby sister." I tell him, remembering the boys excitement all the way through my pregnancy. They were delighted that they were gonna have a sister to play with.

"I'll go and get them now, I'm pretty sure they were in the soft play area." Vision leaves to go and get our boys, and I continue to smile down at Riley, who suddenly let out a sharp cry.

"Sh, sh, sh.. it's okay baby..." I soothe, slowly pulling down my hospital gown and helping Riley to latch on. "There we go."

As Riley is having her first feed, I hear two little pairs of footsteps running down the hallway. Here comes the hurricanes.

Billy and Tommy come running into the room, closely followed by Vision, who was desperately trying to calm them down.

I put my finger to my lips as they run into the hospital room, telling them to be quiet, which they surprisingly listen too.

"Is that Riley?!" Tommy whispers excitedly, as they both make their way over to the bed. "What's she doing with your boobs?"

I chuckle softly at the question. "She's getting milk, and yes this is your new baby sister!"

The twins lean on the bed and look at Riley with huge smiles.

"Can I hold her?" Billy asks, touching her foot gently.

"Course you can, just let me finish feeding her." I tell him, unlatching Riley and burping her gently.

"Okay, Billy you wanna hold Riley first?" I ask, as Vision lifts him up onto the bed.

He nods with a grin, and listens as I tell him how to hold her, before gently placing Riley in Billy's lap and helping him support her head.

"She's so small!" He coos, giggling as he looks down at Riley, who was gazing up at her brother with her cute eyes. "You're so cute Ri-Ri."

"Ri-Ri?" I question, not expecting Billy to have come up with a nickname already.

"Yeah, Ri-Ri." He says again, and I see Vision take a picture with his phone.

"Okay, you wanna let Tommy have a go?" I ask, gently taking Riley of Billy's lap.

He nods and switches places with his twin.

"Remember to be gentle." I remind Tommy, as he is defiantly the more boisterous out of the boys.

After showing Tommy how to hold Riley, I place her in his lap the same I did for Billy, and again help him support her delicate head.

"Okay, you are a little bit cute." He grins, looking down with adoration at his new sister.

"She is very cute." Vision agrees, taking another picture while smiling.

Once Tommy was done holding Riley, I gently place her in the crib next to my bed, as she was starting to fall asleep.

"When can you and Ri-Ri come home Mom?" Billy asks, getting back up on the bed to sit next to me.

"Either tomorrow or the day after sweetheart, once the doctors know she's all healthy we can come home." I tell him, ruffling his hair, which was defiantly due a cut.

Billy nods in understanding, peering over me along with Tommy to look at their now sleeping baby sister.


"Oh Ri baby, what's wrong?" I ask desperately, as Riley screams the house down for no reason at all.

This was her first night at home, and for some reason she wouldn't stop crying! I had tried everything from changing her diaper to feeding her, but nothing would calm her down, and it was starting to stress me out.

"No luck?" Vision asks, walking into our bedroom, where I was pacing up and down, trying to soothe the crying baby.

"No, I don't know what's wrong!" I exclaim worriedly. I can never remember Billy or Tommy crying like this for any reason.

"I think you just need to calm down, darling. You being stressed is just going to make Riley stressed." Vis tells me calmly.

Why is he always right? I take a deep breath and settle down on the rocking chair in the corner of our room, gently rocking Riley as she screams.

I softly start singing a Sokovian lullaby, and after a while, her screams calm down.

"There we go..." I coo, letting out a relived sigh as Riley finally falls asleep.

"Well done, darling." Vision smiles, pecking the top of my head.

'We've got this right?" I ask him. Three children is defiantly harder than two, and I'm defiantly in that period of motherhood when I'm doubting if I'm good enough for them.

"We have defiantly got this." Vision assures me, taking Riley and putting her in her crib which was next to our bed. He really is the best husband.

I smile at my husband lovingly. "How's the nursery coming along?" I ask, as he was in charge of setting up Riley's new room.

"Almost finished, just need to put up the chest of drawers."

"You need any help?"

"Don't worry sweetheart, I've got this. Why don't you take a nap, you haven't been getting much sleep lately." Vision suggests.

I nod, the tiredness finally catching up on me. "Hmm, maybe I will. I'll feed Riley when she wakes up and come back downstairs."

"Sounds good to me." Vision and I share a kiss, before he disappears next door, where Riley's room was gonna be.

I lay down on the bed, glancing into Riley's crib to check she was okay, before drifting to sleep.

Ngl I rlly hate this chapter and its super short, but I wanted to get something out that wasn't so sad so here you go. Hope you all enjoyed! If you have a request please either dm me or leave it in the comments!

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