hattie harmony (eo)

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Thank you sm for this request SoniclyQaulan I loved writing this chapter! This is also kind of an apology for the last few chapters which have all been sad, so I hope this one makes you smile and not cry. It does mean the writing is a bit crap but oh well. Enjoy!!

Riley is 4


"Robbie where did you put Riley's shoes?!" Mama asks Daddy hurriedly, as I sit on the bottom step with my Hattie plushie in my arms.

"Bottom shoe rack!" Daddy shouts back, hurrying around the living room.

Mommy finds my favourite converse shoes and helps me put them on my feet.

"Conerse!!" I cheer, kicking my legs happily.

"Yeah, baby!" Mommy encourages, standing up and lifting me into her arms. "You ready to go read Hattie to everyone?"

I nod excitedly. I loved Hattie!!

"Remember princess, no wandering off without Mama or Daddy okay? There will probably be a lot of people there. Mostly teenage girls." Daddy tells me, laughing at the last bit.

"Not my fault that's the age group I'm popular with!!" Mommy defends. "Besides. Teenage girls are better than creepy old men."

"Like Daddy?" I ask, looking towards Daddy in confusion.

Mommy bursts into laughter, while Daddy looks offended.

"I am neither creepy nor an old man, thank you very much missy!!" Daddy teases, poking my side playfully, which made me squirm.

"Sureeee." Mommy winks at me, and before Daddy could say anything she walks outside and puts me into the car.

"Paciiiiii!!" I whine, making grabby hands at Mama.

"Here you go baby." Mommy smiles, handing me my paci and kissing my head before going to get into the front seat as Daddy gets into the drivers one.


I play with my Hattie plushie the whole way there, until I feel the car stop, and so I strain my neck to try to look out of the window.

"We're hereeee!" Mama tells us, getting out of the car and walking round to open my door, which I could never open no matter how much I pulled on the silly handle.

"Mama out, pwease." I ask politely, making grabby hands at my Mama.

"Okay baby, okay..." Mommy quickly lifts me into her arms and closes the car door behind her. "Robbie can you get the books, Ri's bag and my handbag, please?"

"Sure, babe." Daddy and Mommy kiss, which made me scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"Yucky!" I tell them, making them both laugh.

Mama carries me inside through what I assume is the back door, because we have gone to this bookshop before, and the normal way in looks nothing like this.

Once inside, Mama and Daddy immediately start talking to people and I can already hear lots of people outside in the book shop, so I bury my face into Mama's shoulder, clutching Hattie tightly to my chest.

"Okay baby are you ready to go read, Hattie?" Mama asks, bouncing me up and down softly. "You can stay on Mama's lap the entire time, and if it gets too loud just tell me and we can go have a little break, alright?"

I nod, sucking on my paci as I rest my head on Mama's shoulder.

"Can Daddy have your paci so you can talk?" Daddy asks, holding out his hand.

I nod, taking my paci and giving it to Daddy who puts it safe in his pocket, and gives me a kiss on the head. "Good, girl."

"Right, let's go!" Mama takes a deep breath, holding onto Daddy's hand with her spare arm as she leads the way out to where the people were.

As soon as people see Mommy they start to cheer and clap, so I hide my face in her chest as much as possible, and I hear some people 'awing' at me.

I listen as Daddy and Mama say hi to everyone, and then feel Mama sit down with me on her lap.

"My name is Elizabeth Olsen, and this is my husband Robbie Arnett, and this is our daughter Riley who wanted to come and read Hattie with us today." Mama says to the crowd of people, who all clap.

"You wanna say hi, baby?" Daddy whispers, leaning forward slightly in his seat to talk to me.

"Hello..." I whisper, not moving my head out from the safety of Mama's chest.

Everyone coos and awh's, making me blush.


(Lizzie's POV)

As me and Robbie are taking it in turns to read the story, I hear Riley slowly turn her head to look at the copy of the book that I was holding open.

She was pretty far ahead with her reading, and we had read Hattie to her lots of times before, so she knew the plot of the book fairly well.

As I read the next bit about Hattie getting rid of someones butterflies in their stomach, I hear Riley start to whisper along with what I was saying, which made me smile.

She stopped, and then did it again as Robbie started reading his bit, but this time it was a bit louder, and some of the members of the audience must have heard, as they all started to coo softly at Riley.

Obviously not particularly liking the sudden attention, Ri goes all shy and hides her head in my chest, making me chuckle.

"You wanna help us read, sweetheart?" I mumble in her ear, not wanting to push her if that's not what she wanted to do.

Riley thinks for a moment before nodding her head slowly.

While Robbie is still reading, I gently turn her around on my lap so she could see the book, and put my finger under a short sentence to help her follow along as she's reading.

"Worry worry go way..." She reads, putting her fingers in her mouth and smiling proudly. "Mama I did it!"

Everyone laughs at her adorableness.

"Yeah baby you did! Good job!" I praise, grinning widely between Ri and my husband, who had recorded the whole thing on his phone.

Me and Robbie finish reading the book with Riley reading the 'worry worry' line every time it came up, encouraging some kids on the front row to do the same.

We then answered some questions about the book in a Q&A, but towards the end I could feel Riley start to get bored as she was shuffling around a lot and whining quietly, so I tried to soothe her as best I could while still answering people's questions.

"Only a few more minutes baby, your doing such a good job." I whisper softly to her, as she whines to be let down off my lap.

"Mamaaaa." She whines, pulling on my top. "Milkiesss!!"

I make eye contact with Robbie and nod to him, signalling that we are gonna end the Q&A here before Riley has a meltdown.

We thank everyone and say goodbye before heading backstage, which was just the staff room off the book store that we were in.

"You did so good, Ri-Ri!" Robbie praises, trying to cheer Riley up as she whined and cried.

"Milkies!!" She sobs, trying to pull down my top.

"I know baby, I know..." I soothe, quickly grabbing a blanket from Riley's bag and sitting down on a nearby couch to feed her.

I normally only give her milk when she wakes up in the morning or when she goes to sleep, but I didn't want to have that argument right now.

Robbie sits next to be on the couch as I feed Ri, and she reaches out a small hand to grab onto his, making me smile at my perfect little family.

Finally a happy chapter guys!! Look at me go!!

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