i can't help it (eo)

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Thank you for the request Olsenswifeyy sorry it took so long but I lost my list of requests for a long time. Hope this is okay for everyone! I also changed the request slightly as I couldn't bare to have Lizzie and Robbie angry at her, but I hope you enjoy it regardless!

Riley is 12


I could never focus in class because of my stupid ADHD, and for some reason the teachers didn't see this as a viable excuse for me accidentally zoning out a lot.

I don't do it on purpose, but I find it hard to follow instructions and I easily get frustrated with the teacher when I don't understand something.

"Right Riley, that's a detention tomorrow evening." My teacher tells me, as I fiddle with my pen as a stim.

"What? But I didn't do anything." I reply with a frown, annoyed that I was getting in trouble yet again, for something that I couldn't control.

"You are messing with your pen, when I have repeatedly told you to stop fiddling with things. Now can you read chapter 3 for us please."

I stare at the book that I was trying to follow along to, but the words were just jumping all over the page, making them impossible for me to read.

"Mrs Reece I can't-" I don't get to finish my sentence, before she cuts me off.

"Having so called ADHD is no excuse! It's just some other made up mental health issue for girls like you who are misbehaved, and stupid!"

Mrs Reece goes to snatch the pen out of my hands, and I instinctively slap her hand away from me, the sudden move making my body act in self defence.

"I'm so sorry." I gape at what I had just done.

"Riley Olsen! Get out of my classroom right now! And read over my classroom rules as you clearly don't know them!" Mrs Reece screams at me, pointing towards the door.

I hear the other kids laughing at me as I walk out of the room, which made my brain hurt.

I didn't mean to hit her, she just startled me...

Tears fall down my face as I stand outside the classroom, fiddling with my rings, unsure of where she wanted me to stand.

I look at the laminated piece of paper with the classroom rules on and try to read it, but the words just keep jiggling on the page, making me even more frustrated as more tears fall down my cheeks.

It's not fair! Why can't I just be normal like everyone else!

I avert my eyes from the jiggling words, and go back to playing with my rings, as I pull my phone out of my pocket to call my Mom.

She has always said that if school gets too much, just to call her or Dad, and they would come and get me.

They both know how much I struggle with my ADHD, but they don't however know how mean people are towards me for it. Teachers and students.

I was scrolling through my contacts to find my Mom's number, when I feel my phone being snatched out of my hands.

"Miss Olsen! I did not send you outside so you could play on your phone!" Mrs Reece yells, making me wince at the loud noise, as more tears fall down my face.

"I just need to call my Mom..." I protest quietly, staring at the floor.

"Likely story!" Mrs Reece snaps.

"Please just give me my phone back so I can call her..." I beg, my voice becoming chocked due to silent sobs that I was trying to hold in.

"Absolutely not! I shall be handing it into the headmaster, who will give it back to you once he's called your parents in to pick you up for disrupting my lesson, again!" Mrs Reece tells me, making a wave of panic shoot through me.

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