Sleep talking

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Scar is online

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NPG is online

Grian: whoever been saying Xelqua in their sleep better speak up before I spilled someone embarrassing secrets

Xisuma is online

Xisuma: how would u know if someone been saying their name in their sleep?

Grian: my pesky birds r a good source of information when it comes to be hidden in plain sight and not shutting up around me

Mumbo is online

Mumbo: that explains how u knew I got sick when I didn't even leave my base that 1 time in season 8

Grian: I mean

Grian: u did more or less work in cold climate

Xisuma: anyone could get sick from that

Xisuma: especially if u didn't have a jacket

Mumbo: now I just feel attack

Scar: come on mumbo! It ain't all that bad!

Scar: at least not Tango

Scar: he somehow fell into ice

Grian: when was that????

Scar: yesterday

Grian: wat

Xisuma: how

Scar: good question

Mumbo: y do u have a raveger on a bed? ಠಿ_ಠ

Scar: Yes

Xisuma: that explains the death loop

NPG: Scar, why must you always be the reckless one here?

Scar: Yes

Scar: have u seen 3rd/lasr life???

Xisuma: I'm feeling left out and distressed now

Xisuma: my fatherly sense tells me that it was not a good time

Grian: it was war

Grian: but srsly

Grian: who kept saying Xelqua in their sleep????

EX is online

EX: It was xisuma

EX is offline

Xisuma: I

Xisuma: how would he know???

NPG: The derpy idiot knows things

NPG: also he's with me right now

Grian: I need to fixed that grammee

NPG: Creator, don't u dare throw me back into that closet

Grian: hold up

Grian: my very own creation is finally leaving the closet? :O?

NPG: Xelqua damn it

Grian: rude

Grian: srsly

Grian: X y were u praising Xelqua in ur sleep???

Xisuma: I was wat now

Xisuma: y would I not?

Xisuma: He's amazing

Xisuma: technically the god to my people rlly

Mumbo: ._.

Mumbo: so, Xelqua is ur god?

Xisuma: yep

Grian: y?

Xisuma: he overthrown the Watchers?

Scar: uh

Scar: anything else??

Xisuma: . _ .

Xisuma: from wat the elderly said, he made my people civilization, also saved us from the original watchers

Xisuma: put our people in a different but similar realm and part of the End and Void

Xisuma: uh

Xisuma: . _ .

Xisuma: I forgor

Grian: ._.

Mumbo: ._.

Scar: ._.

NPG: so, u don't know that Xelqua didn't make a whole dimension 4 u guys but actually banished the original second Watcher from the realm after the first was killed and Xelqua himself didn't want to waste his sacrifice by following the wishes of the first by banishing the Second from physically manifesting into the realm for the crimes they committed?

NPG: Man, you guys don't have the true story at all, history must had butchered it badly.

Grian: wat-

Grian: NPG what the heck

Mumbo: uhh

Xisuma: 0-0

Xisuma: At this point, I don't what's true anymore

Scar: X

Scar: ur a sad derp

Xisuma: I am not

NPG: EX would disagree

Xisuma: EX stop throwing me under the bus otherwise I will dropped kicked ur ass off this server again

NPG: EX is offended

Grian: -_-

Grian: Language

Xisuma: :>?

Mumbo: so uh

Mumbo: guess we know y Xisuma been saying Xelqua in his sleep?

Grian: O no, I just wanted whoever to admit

Grian: but since it was X-eye-suma

Grian: Can u like, idk...

Grian: Not sound like a simp?

Mumbo: SBI rubbed off on u didn't they?

Grian: naw

Grian: they platonicaly simp for me

Grian: so does a lot of people

Grian: ._.

Grian: now I think about it

Grian: y do they simp for me

Scar: because ur the greatest prankster and chaotic builder with a super mysterious lore back story?

Grian: I

Grian: well then ok

NPG: and this chat gonna go through a system check up so be prepared to get kicked temporarily

Scar: wot

And said system check up happened and kicked everyone out the chat temporarily

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