Where is Wels?

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In the Welcome to chaos chat...

Grian: we should rename this chat

Scar: Agreed

Scar renamed this chat to "Hermits Secret chat"

Hels: that's not a better name

Hels: not all of us r hermits

Xisuma: He's right

Xisuma renamed this chat to "Secret Chat"

Scar: Ok, that's a lot more nicer 

Xisuma: Yep

Grian: haha

Grian: anyways, got news to share?

Hels: Yeah

Hels: i can't find wels

Jevin: how can u not find Wels?

Grian: where was he last seen?

Hels: NPG told me he last saw him at his house

Hels: that's it

Grian: Huh, strange

Grian: where is Wels? 

Hels: idk


Meanwhile with Wels...

"WHERE THE HECK AM I- WHO ARE YOU GUYS- WHY AM I EVEN HERE?!" Wels screeched, struggling to get himself free since he's tied to a chair. The two being stares at each other, then at the angry knight. "Well. Your just here cause we're using you as a leverage!" One of the being told him with great excitement. Which left Wels dumbfounded. "A leverage against who...?" He wondered off, the being just smiled creepily. "Against Hels!" 

Wels and the other being stared at the first being. 

"You do know I hate him....right?" 


The second being face palm. 


Back in the Secret Chat...

Hels: I wonder if anyone is stupid enough to take Wels

EX: It's not impossible

NPG: Mhm 

Hels: Yeah, but like, here's the thing

Hels: Y take Wels to use against me when he hates my entire existence? 

NPG: U couldn't afford a loving brother like EX couldn't u?

Hels: Pretty much

Grian: I couldn't afford a best friend in high school that wasn't a physcopath

Hels: wtf

NPG: U still had a friend, Taurtis I believe

Grian: He's off being a Eldritch God, wdym

NPG: oh

Xisuma: ????

Xisuma: But, wat if Wels was capture?

Hels: Simple, make him mad and he will go feral

Xisuma: That doesn't even sound like him at all

Hels: Well, u see

Hels: He can be scary

Hels: He got a gun on him

Hels: Like, the same 1 Grian had before it went poof

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