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???? chat

Xelqua is online

Xelqua: Wake up boys, I got some concerns about our favorite twin admins

Hels is online

Jevin is online

NPG is online

Jevin: u mean EX taking almost all of xisuma smarts and Xisuma taking almost all the derp?

Jevin: then yes it's concerning

Hels: I want my derp back

Hels: it's weird that he's not super derpy

NPG: why are you using this account?

Xelqua: too much effort

Xelqua: plus I was pranking Xisuma earlier

NPG: alright then

NPG: guess that's fine

Hels: so like

Hels: wat do we do?

Jevin: dunno

Xelqua: go figured out wat they're doing

Jevin: that's gonna be difficult

Jevin; I haven't been on the server 4 awhile so I'm way behind

Hels: last I checked xisuma was on about bone mage and EX was sleeping

Hels: he kept muttering bout who could fit in the smallest thing ever

Xelqua: shuller boxes would be it

Xelqua: I take the crown for sleeping in 1 out of curiosity

NPG: but... Ur wings?

Xelqua: I had it hidden 4 the time being

Xelqua; plus I recently preen them so like ehh

Hels: wow

Hels: never expected that

Hels: btw

Hels: does this chat even allow ships?

NPG: Irl shipping is banned unless canon

Xelqua: ik me and NPG creator and Irl counterparts, Charles, is married

Hels: ah

Hels: so everything is platonic and only personas

Xelqua: pretty much

Xelqua: I mean

Xelqua: we do have Hels simping for EX

Hels: HEY

Hels: at least I'm not obvious like jevin and wels

Jevin: rude

Jevin: I at least admit it unlike u

Xelqua: haha

Xelqua: pretty sure EX never remember any of it

Hels: damn it

Hels: I hate u guys

NPG: u care 4 us

Hels: >:T

Hels: this is bullying

Jevin: :3

Xelqua: :)

Xelqua: anyways good luck guys

Xelqua is offline

Hels: I'mma go bother EX 4 some bonding time

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