Smol Grian

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In the Hermitcraft main chat

Joe: guys

Joe: guys

Joe: guys

Joe: guys

Joe: guys

Cleo is online

Cleo: Joe would u stop spamming

Joe: finally someone pays attention

Joe: anyways got a huge problem

Wels is online

Wels: Joe y does my com says u sent 70+ message here in the span of 4 minutes?

Joe: needed u guys attention

Jevin is online

Jevin: attention 4 wat?

Cleo: ^^^

Wels: ^^^^

Joe: a baby Grian

Cleo: wat

Jevin: hold up

Jevin: baby????

Wels: how?

Joe: idk he came to me to asked bout this weird object that was left on his bed, weirdly enough

Joe: then bright light hit and he's a child

Doc is online

Doc: sounds like a grian prank honestly

Ren is online

Zedaph is online

Impulse is online

Tango is online

Ren: I don't think it's a prank actually

Tango: same, Grian is chaotic and a prankster sure, but he's not that crazy enough 4 that to happen

Impulse: they're right, in fact, I'm actually on my way

Joe: thx u impulse

Impulse: yeah, just be glad I actually have baby clothes

Joe: y do u even have any?

Zedaph: yeah impy, y do u?

Impulse: uh

Impulse: no reason?

Tango: come on impy, tell us

Impulse: not in this chat

Zedaph: fine

Joe: anyways, uh, should we get X to deal with this?

Ren: most likely

Cleo: u guys sure?

Cleo: still sound like a prank honestly

Wels: I don't think it's a prank tho...

Jevin: I legit became a baby slime, t his sounds serious honestly

Doc: I still doubt it

Doc: even iskall doubts it

Jevin: hm....

Jevin: u rlly have no trust in grian, do u?

Joe: I mean, Grian doesn't rlly often visit a lot of us, only a handful at best

Wels: that is true...

Wels: then again his chat is terrifying

Jevin: truth

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