Why theres not much photos + Important concerns

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Hels is online

Hels: Hey guys, I've been meaning to ask

Hels: but why is attachment disabled for general chat?

Hels: but in the other chats, it's not?

Grian: there's a wonderful answer to that just like why only I have the powers to do nicknames in this server

Hels: and sometimes I forget we even use a different discord server

Scar: not surprising

Scar: but he makes a good point, why aren't we allowed to post images in the general chat

Xisuma: it was actually my fault

EX: wait wat

Hels: huh

Jevin: wdym it's ur fault

Jevin: what did you even do???

Xisuma: a lot of things actually

Xisuma: a lot

Xisuma: I'm a derp for a reason

Grian; yeah it was definitely his fault alrighty

NPG: you must tell us the story now

NPG: in fact I demand as such

Grian: just this once for this probably long chapter worth of a conversation

Grian; I'll enabled images again

Grian; pls go easy on the notifications

Scar: can't promise much

Jevin: No really

Jevin: pls be nice

Jevin: I just gotten Wels to sleep

Hels: what happened

Jevin: almost a week worth of no sleep

Jevin: it's worrying

EX: that's literally the 20th time this happened now

EX: it's concerning

Xisuma: definitely gonna find him a doctor cuz he seems to have a severe case of insomnia, but I'm not too sure

Grian: wise

Grian: anyways the story

Grian: hm

NPG: So...?

NPG: I demand answers and I'm not afraid to use this gun I found

Xisuma: excuse me what?


NPG: I don't have the gun with me

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NPG: I don't have the gun with me

NPG: but I am plenty threatening anyways

Grian: I should fixed that

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