Uno is not fun, what do you mean?

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Meanwhile in the secret chat...

Grian: Come on guys, UNO IS Fun :D

Hels: Grian I rather get killed by Xisuma then play UNO with u again

Hels: not after the last time I played it with u 

Scar: how bad was it?

Hels: Man beat the shit out of us all 

Scar: Ouch

Scar: u guys prides were probably on the line then

EX: it was 

NPG: Me and Xisuma was utterly confused the whole time

NPG: cuz we didn't know wat UNO was at that point

Xisuma: I still remember the game night and I hate it

Grian: >:T

Grian: U guys just angy that I won

Xisuma: I'm not, I still don't understand it and I still want my helmet back

EX: no

EX: keep the bubble

Xisuma: Can I at least get my visor back?

EX: Nope

Xisuma: it was a present from Grian and his friends tho D:

Grian: he got a point, it was a present

EX: Still no

EX: mainly cuz NPG is fixing it

Xisuma: wot

Hels: Guys help

Hels: Prof want to challenge Grian to a game of UNO


Hels: "Our fight shall be legendary, Xelqua." -Prof

Grian: Indeed it shall be!

Xisuma: Kinda wanna watch now

Xisuma: Assuming EX let me leave bedrest

EX: Yes


Scar: where is it being held at is the question


Xisuma: Good question

Hels: Me and Prof discussing that now

Hels: And we got ourselves a location :D

Xisuma: where?

Scar: Yeah, where?

Hels: Spawn :)

Grian: Dang 

Grian: How bout the flat area in front of my base or something?

Grian: still near spawn I think

Xisuma: that's assuming it's still a flat area

Grian: shh

Grian: U don't want more time stuck in bed do u?

Xisuma: I hate u

Grian: U love me :)

Scar: Ur wife will murder us all tho

Grian: That's Charles, not me

Scar: Ik

Grian: y bring it up

EX: y did I randomly witness Scar effectively rob ur house?

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