The closet

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The Dreamslayer chat

Grian: kids pls stop trying to end existence

Grian: it's hard to even clean up the mess the council's of admins have left

Grian: I don't need more issues from you guys

Robot: On the contrary, I wish to have a physical form again.

Grian: after I get the necessary parts for your new body and the upgrades with it

Robot: You said that months ago

Robot: only to show favoritism over NPC

NPC: to be fair, I'm a demon inhabiting a robot form that's more reminisce of a doll -_-

Robot; Oh.

Gareth: why are your children's like this, Grian?

Grian: I never gave any of them a proper existence and I never will considering how they ended up as anyways

Robot: You never comforted me about my horrible break up with the microwave

Grian: you never told me you dated the microwave

Grian: at all

NPG: he's not wrong, you never did told him and you only just, told me instead

Robot: ...

Robot: okay, I see your point

Robot: but since when we're you so expressive NPG?

Robot: just a while ago you were in the closet

Grian; he finally came out of the closet and I am so very proud (╥﹏╥)

NPG: I only came out cuz I hated the closet

Grian: I thought it's cuz you wanted to tell us all that your agender

NPG: that too

Robot: what

Robot: I thought he too was created with such characteristics?

Grian: no

Grian: I created you both with no characteristics of gender

Grian: in fact

Grian: you guys don't even have it

Robot: oh.

Robot: we're just, artificially created to mimicking the appearance of a player

Gareth: . _ .

Grian: it's too much to even explain at this point

Grian: Go out and discover yourself

Robot: I can't

Grian: I'll go finished your body so you can do the whole self discovery

NPG: this is a weird chat for a family to gather about

Gareth: Thats probably cuz it's just us

Gareth: we're not inviting Grumbots and what not to the chat cuz, well, it's too much to even explain why Grian creates androids

Grian; or the fact that I'm a questionable choice for a father

NPG: your a strange mother

Grian: I don't count as a mother technically

Grian: Also Robot Grian, why is your chat name just, Robot?

Robot: I don't know. 

NPG: That should be fixed 

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