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Hermitcraft main chat

Grian: sometimes I wonder about others mortality, of knowing that a immortal being like myself will outlived everyone, whether I liked it or not, it just scares me how short time is with our family

Cleo: Grian????

Grian: oh shit

Grian: I thought this was Xisuma DM

Wels: Why Xisuma DM?

Grian: We talk a lot

Grian: considering we have histories of being Admins and all

Scar: I thought it's cuz the community likes you guys dynamic so much?

Scar: or maybe it's cause the watchers just enjoys Dadsuma and pesky bird family dynamic

Grian: scar

Grian: why

Grian: why did you listen to the Audience????

Scar: why not?

Scar: they tell me cool stuff and help me from time to time

Mumbo; are you sure?

Etho: yeah, are you sure?

Scar: yes?

Scar: I mean, technically speaking, they're a strange mixed of Watchers, Listeners and Keepers

Grian: scar, everyone has that mixed

Grian: some more than others, but that depends

Grian: I have mostly watchers cuz I created the Watchers as the third

Scar: No but like

Scar: I have the Secret Keepers after Secret Life

Grian: what

Doc: does their appearance changes depending on who they follow?

Grian: Yeah

Grian: But srsly

Grian: What do you guys think about Mortality?

Cub: That's pretty morbid, even for you G

Zedaph: I'm pretty sure some of us would outlived majority of us

XB: What makes you say that?

Zedaph: Well, think for a moment

Zedaph: A lot of us are hybrids, we either have a longer or shorter lifespan then that of a player

Zedaph: and a good chunk of us are a very long living or immortal beings

Grian: I don't count, the watchers decision about my life span is difficult to keep track of nowadays, but a God life span works fine I suppose

Mumbo: Isn't Xisuma immortal as well?

Grian: oh yeah

Grian: he cries every other night about that



Grian: no idea

Grian: ur a voidealker as well

EX: Oh yeah

Hels: WAIT

Hels: does that mean you'll outlive me?

Wels: Hels, we're immortal as well

Hels: are you sure?

Wels: Trust me

Wels: I'm very sure

Hels: how so?

Hermitcraft chaotic ChatWhere stories live. Discover now