Dragon Eggs

547 26 25

Secret Chat

Hels: This may not be the bully gods chapter we wanted

Hels: but why am I seeing baby dragons all over scarland?

Scar: that's a good question and I have no answers to that

Scar: Cuz I thought we got the whole thing cleaned up

Doc: Ahh yes, the Dragon Eggs

Doc: You didn't clean it up properly did you?

Scar: . . . 

Mumbo: I did saw you put it underground and just, left it 

Xisuma: Why....?

Xisuma: Just, why?

Scar: Idk anymore

Scar: I actually forgot

Hels: Hey, so, update

Hels: Grian want to tell y'all that after the last chapter, he's gonna be away for awhile to do maintenance for some super important stuff

NPG: My brother?

Hels: he mentioned trying to get his hands on a couple of confusing sounding items

Scar: Secret Life?!

Hels: Yeah, there's stuff he gotta do with it

Xisuma: Just like how Iskall is busy with Vault Hunters -w-

Xisuma: but uh, how did the dragon eggs hatched?

Scar: that's a very good question

Hels: I would answer with several reasonable theories, but shouldn't we like, idk, do something?

Hels: cuz the last time we had to deal with the eggs, Scar got Pearl to clean it up which ended up becoming a literal dragon statue and then the dragon eggs at both Mumbo and Grian base was sent to the Voidwalkers

Doc: I'm sorry what?

Doc: Voidwalkers?

Xisuma: Dragon tamers is becoming a new theme and quite frankly, The Ender Dragon and the Enderkins are extremely happy about this happy little accident that won't happen again...right? T_T

Scar: No more duping the eggs, Ik, but in my defense

Scar: It was Grian who did it first

Xisuma: . . . 

Xisuma: Note to self, scold him like the child that he is

Mumbo: Hahaha...

Doc: nah, let's watch the chaos from a distance

Doc: kinda payback for some of the pranks they done

Grian invited Keralis to the chat

Keralis: :D?

Xisuma: KERALIS! :D!

Keralis: hi shishwammy :D

Xisuma: :D

Doc: the server true parents are back, nice

Scar: what makes Grian? The other parent that technically immortal and is a God?

Keralis: No no

Keralis: Brian happens to be a funny mixed of being Shishwammy Patron god and residents parent

Keralis: Well, the resident parents to both Shishwammy and his twin

Xisuma: I suddenly feel attacked

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