Is Xisuma secretly clingy?

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Xisuma is online

Xisuma: No

Xisuma: absolutely not

Xisuma: I'm not clingy

Grian is online

NPG is online

EX is online

Grian: we beg to differ

EX: yes

EX: ur response is trash X

Xisuma: it's not

Xisuma: as I said I ain't clingy

Keralis joined the chat

Keralis: yes u r sheshwammy

Keralis was kicked from the chat by [Admin] Grian

Grian: bad keralis, ur not invited

Xisuma: ಠ_ಠ

EX: how did he get here????

Helsknight joined the chat

Helsknight --> Helsknight

Hels: wassup bitches

Hels: I finally answer my damn phone


Hels: :)

Grian: Hels, watch the language before I sick NPG kill more

EX: ayo wat-

Xisuma: WHAT?

NPG: I forgot u program a kill mode into my system

Grian: same

Grian: now we know

Grian: :>

Hels: Grain of rice

Hels: or was it bread

Hels: y do u terrified me?

Hels: that's right

Hels: u ducking murdered 3 people in a row with a creepy laugh and ended a whole damn war

Grian: my soul during 3rd/Last life </3

Hels: reasonable

Hels: ur a scary man

Hels: even tho ur meant to watch

Grian: oi

Grian: shush

Grian: no one knows yet >:/

Hels: then y do ik?

Grian: u just do

EX: back on top of Xisuma being clingy

Hels: he is

Hels: especially when sick

EX: exactly

EX: and when ever he needs to be care 4 cuz he dumb

Xisuma: y am I being attacked

Grian: yes

Grian: hold up

Grian: false asking me about the chat

Grian: I'm gonna prank Keralis 4 revealing this chat existence

EX: y is False asking?

Grian: lady terrified me

EX: reasonable

EX: stress is also scary

NPG: the servers females r all terrifying in their own ways

NPG: then again, there was this 1 time Pearl threatened to banned u from building 4 a week cuz u have no self care

NPG: again

Xisuma: uh

Xisuma: Grain

Xisuma: dis true?

Grian: let not talk about me and attack u

Xisuma: HEY!

Grian: ;)

NPG: I'm surprised Mumbo and Scar haven't check the chat yet

Grian: they're busy figuring out what happens if they mixed redstone and magic together

Grian: clearly they haven't asked how I created u with no mechanic knowledge

Xisuma: ._.

Grian: also X?

Xisuma: yes?

Grian: [sent a photo of Xisuma favorite blanket]

Grian: dis urs?

Xisuma: MY BLANKY-

Xisuma: I mean, yes, that's mine

Grian: X

Grian: dis a chat

Grian: u just outed ur self

Xisuma: shit

Grian: Language

Xisuma: :)"

EX: lemme go find a baby photo of us with our respective blankets


Hels: :O

EX: found it lol


Xisuma: EX Y

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Xisuma: EX Y

EX: exposing myself to expose u lol

Hels: awwwwww

Grian: :0

Grian: casually save 4 future blackmail ;)

NPG: Grian

Grian: yes?

NPG: how did ur talk with False go?

Grian: she wanted to join this chat but I said it's a chat between me and the helsian plus a few others and instantly backed away lol

Hels: lady didn't even wanna deal with me

EX: best lie lol

EX: we don't technically have our chat anyways

Grian: welp

[Admin] Grian changed the chat name to "Welcome to the end"

Grian: y'all stuck with me

EX: lol

EX: hey wait

EX: y is there a white rabbit?

Grian: . . .

NPG: um, grian?

Xisuma: uhh?

NPG: shoot, anyone near him?

Xisuma: I am

Hels: he's having a panic attack

Xisuma: how can u tell?

Hels: this chat have a weird way of showing if we're fine or not

Hels: grian not

Xisuma: uh, I'll just go help him-

And Xisuma went to comfort a super panicky Grian and proceeds to cling onto him like a cuddly toy. Xisuma won't admit the hug is nice, but oh well.

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