Dadsuma adventure in Hermitangst Pt. 1

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Xisuma yelps when he was suddenly picked up by a bunch of Watchers and maybe a listener or two. Protesting as he gets dragged along, his pleads to be let go fell on deaf ear when he was suddenly thrown into a portal. The Watchers look at each other then started giggling.

Their favorite method of making Xisuma not work is by throwing him to another universe.


Hermitcraft Chat...?

Xisumavoid joined the game?

Xisuma: Another me?

Grian: well, that's unexpected

Grian: is anyone at spawn?

Keralis: I am

Jevin: Same

Cub: you guys think this could be a shape shifter trying to pretend to be X?

Xisuma: we won't find out until we meet them

Xisumavoid is online

Xisumavoid: What the...

Xisuma: Oh!

Xisuma: Hello?

Xisumavoid: where in the multi verse am I this time?!

Scar: what?

Grian: ????

Xisumavoid: Wait

Xisumavoid: Keralis? Jevin? Why are you both decked out in gears And look ready to kill me...

Xisumavoid: and why are we on season 8????

Wels: Pal, your strange

Xisuma: why wouldn't we be on season 8?

Xisumavoid: Why? Cause well... Wait

Xisumavoid: WAIT

Scar: is our strange Xisuma lookalike having trouble?

Mumbo: we could lock them up for now...

Doc: yeah, I agree, for all we know this could be Evil X pretending to be Xisuma

Xisuma: Hm...

Xisuma: it is possible...

Jevin: Guys, this version of X is weird

Jevin: like super weird

Xisumavoid: thanks for making fun of me for the bubble

Xisumavoid: my mask is broken when I was thrown here and breathing over world air hurts

Xisuma: ouch

Keralis: well, for now, uh, just come with us willingly to... Where do we put the other shishwammy at?

Pearl: with us :3?

Doc: that sounds like a bad idea

Impulse: are you guys scare he would fall into the boatem hole?

Impulse: cuz if so, then yes that's a valid fear

Xisuma: what's so bad about the boatem hole?

Scar: the void :^

Xisuma: WHAT?

Stress: children's...

Ren: so that's what happened to the goats!

Xisumavoid: well deserved

Grian: At least someone agrees, even if they're a 2nd Ex-eye-suma

Jevin: dude

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